Posted: February 19th, 2022
discussion post – Hypothesis Testing for a Population Mean Forum and Internal and External Analysis
NEED TO ANSWER ALL TWO DISCUSSION QUESTIONS…also specify which answer goes to which discussion question
The average body temperature for healthy adults is 98.6 °F. Is this statement true? Do all healthy people have exactly the same body temperature? A study was conducted a few years go to examine this belief.
The body temperatures of n = 130 healthy adults were measured (half male and half female). The average temperature from the sample was found to be x̄ = 98.249 with standard deviation s = 0.7332.
Do these statistics contradict the belief that the average body temperature is 98.6? If the true average temperature is indeed 98.6 °F and we obtain a sample of n = 130 healthy adults, we would not expect the sample mean to come out exactly equal to 98.6 °F. We observed x̄ = 98.249- can this deviation from 98.6 be explained by chance or is it unlikely we would observe a value this different from 98.6?
Two people debating this issue could come to different conclusions.
Using the methods introduced in this module, discuss how you would determine if the data contradicts the hypothesis that the average body temperature is 98.6°F.
Sears Holdings Company has had continuous earnings decline since its creation in 2005 from a merger of Sears and Kmart.
Do an internal and external analysis of the company and address the following within your discussion board post;
What are the strengths and weaknesses?
Do the combined companies have the right strategy to compete with their competitors such as JC Penney, Kohls, Target and Home Depot?
What internal and external changes should be made?
Why would the changes work?
Some articles to consider:
Sears Plays It Cool
10 Brands that won’t be around in 2012