Posted: May 3rd, 2023
Discussion Healthy Eating Approach Essay
Assess how the social context may inuence the ability of health campaigns to change
behaviour in relations to health Health education takes place within the context of social and
economic settings. All programmes for health-related behaviour change have a cost in term
of resources, money, time or social and economic factors. In this report I will be talking
about Jamie Oliver approach the strength and weakness of his healthy eating approach. For
example Jamie Oliver strives to improve unhealthy diets and poor cooking habits in the
United Kingdom and the United States but the government spend a lot of money to
campaign his idea and to promote healthier school meals.
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There is many strength of Jamie Oliver approach. One strength is Jamie Oliver’s school
dinner has improved academic results. Number of absences is down after chef changed junk
food menu.
The number of “authorised absences” — which are generally due to illness – fell by 15% in
the wake of his 2004 Feed Me Better campaign, brought into the nation’s sitting rooms via
the Channel 4 series Jamie’s School Dinners.
Also 75%of parents who expressed an opinion say there has been an improvement in school
meals over the past 12 months. Of those who believe that school meals have improved, 44%
think that Jamie Oliver is most responsible for the improvement. On the other hand the
weakness of Jamie Oliver’s approach is that many children don’t eat school dinners because
of his healthy campaign but buy junk food from local shop. According to Prue Leith, the
restaurateur and former Government food advisor, has said Jamie Oliver’s school dinners
campaign inadvertently drove children away from school meals to less healthy packed
lunches Stats shows 60% are sent to school with packed lunches and 13% still buy their
lunch from a shop or vending machine. Also some parents pass their children fast food
through the railings of their children school. In addition a 2009 study shows the number of
children taking school meals had dropped by 400,000 over four years.
Jamie Oliver criticise the government saying they have let working women down. I think
women have been let down by the government for 40 years. “Because 30 years ago, 12 per
cent worked and now 60 per cent do. They’re taxed just like men; they have a lot more
trouble getting to the top still. “And in actual fact, the one thing the government didn’t
promise women when they went to work in volume was that their child would be taught
how to cook and get fed properly at school. “And that’s what I’ve been ghting for, largely for
women, for the last ten years. He added he believed politicians should do more to ensure
children are fed properly during the day in working women absence. Financial constraints
can be on individual and organisation. For individual there may be change of behaviour due
to nancial constraints. When changing your family lifestyle for a better lifestyle such as
buying healthier food it requires more money and organic ingredients which is more
expensive. The limitation of nancial constraints on government is it cost lot of money to
run the campaign.
Also they may not save money as not everyone has school meals and they don’t know if the
campaign works as some children may not have school dinners. Financial constraints can
also aect the culture on people as people have dierent culture and may require special
8/10/2020 Healthy Eating Approach Free Essay Example
dietary need. For example Muslim people need to have halal food so healthier menu need
to reach people personal need. Changing their lifestyle might not meet their need so the
healthy dinner may not use halal ingredient. Also some people may be vegetarian so there
has to be catering for vegetarian so they are not excluded. Social factors may also prove a
constraint. Such as peer pressure. Peer pressure is the inuence of a social group on
individual to conform to the behaviour of the group. Children and teenagers are the most
vulnerable to peer pressure. It can inuence a person lifestyle on what they eat as teenagers
friends might persuade them into eating junk food instead of healthy foods for example at
lunch time instead of eating the schools lunch which is healthy they might persuade them
into eating PFC which is not healthy.
There was a great deal of variation in the level of concern felt by parents. In part there was
variation by age, with primary school children less likely to be aware of who was and was not
in receipt of Free School Meal (FSM). However, it was clear that stigma was eliminated if
children were in schools where FSM recipients cannot be identied. For example, in schools
where meals are pre-paid for or where cashless systems operate – such as a card based or
biometric system. One mother interviewed stated that the card system they use at her
child’s school means ‘all the kids are the same’. Some parent quoted “The menu at my child’s
school is interesting, varied and nutritious.” On the other hand some parent believes their
child gets bullied because they receive free school meal.
One parent quoted “They believe the stas think they are worthless.” Also they believe the
school doesn’t provide a large portion of food to ll up their children so they provide snack
to their children such as sweets, crisp and drink so their children are not hungry throughout
the day. To conclude this report Jamie Oliver campaign has it strength and weakness. There
are many nancial constraints on both individuals and organisation economically and
socially. I believe Jamie Oliver campaign is a good thing as he is trying to tackle obesity and
making people lifestyle healthier. However his campaign is making some children miss lunch
or eating elsewhere such as buying junk food from local shop or buying chicken and chips
from local PFC shop as school dinner do not taste pleasant anymore.
8/10/2020 He