Posted: September 28th, 2022
Discussion Board for Leadership in Nursing Class
As described in the instructions
Discussion Board for Leadership in Nursing Class: Minimum 275 words. Must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic.
Please, answer the following questions:
Organizational structure delineates the work of the organization including chain of command, authority, and the formal communication network. A professional practice model is a guiding theoretical and conceptual framework that provides the foundation for nursing professional practice within an organization.
In a discussion board post:
1. Describe the structure of your organization (functional, matrix, parallel). (I work at the hospital, telemetry unit as a Registered Nurse)
2. What professional practice model is in place?
3. Does the practice model work well within the organization’s structure?
4. How is evidence-based practice integrated into the practice model? Provide specific examples and rationale.
You can use one of the following articles that they provide and search for one more: How does practice that is based on evidence fit into the practice model? Give specific examples and your reasons.
You can use one of the articles they give you below and look for another:
Cordo, J., & Hill-Rodriguez, D. (2017). The evolution of a nursing professional practice model through leadership support of clinical nurse engagement, empowerment, and shared decision making. Nurse Leader, 15(5), 325-330.
Davis, R., & Cates, S. (2018). The implementation of the organizational culture assessment instrument in creating a successful organizational culture change. International Journal of Business & Public Administration, 15(1),71-94.
Kalhor, R., Khosravizadeh, O., Moosavi, S., Heidari, M., & Habibi, H. (2018). Role of organizational climate in job involvement: A way to develop the organizational commitment of nursing staff. Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, 23,1-5.
Moss, S., Mitchell, M., & Casey, V. (2017). Creating a culture of success: Using the Magnet Recognition Program® as a framework to engage nurses in an Australian healthcare facility. Journal of Nursing Administration, 47(2), 116-122.