Posted: February 19th, 2022
Part 1 250 words with intext citation and one reference in APA format.
When making decisions business people are searching for accurate data to base their models on. However, sometimes implicit and explicit biases can affect not only what data sources are selected but also how that data is interpreted.
Considering this please address the following prompts in your discussion:
Think of a business example of how a bias created a poor analysis, decision or outcome. How could this have been avoided?
Support your ideas with examples and/or references.
Part 2 250 words with intext citation and one reference in APA format.
Why Do We Make Decisions the Way We Do – Is That a Bad Thing?
Humans have been making decisions throughout history. The methods that we have used historically to make decisions are now being replaced, in some cases, with more advanced decision-making methods. Is this a positive change? Think of an example where a more advanced method produces a positive or negative result.
Considering this please address the following prompts in your discussion:
Is this a positive change? Why or why not?
Describe an example where a more advanced method produces a positive or negative result. Why is this?