Posted: February 21st, 2022
Discuss Why You Have Decided To Complete Your BSN At This Time,
Discuss Why You Have Decided To Complete Your BSN At This Time, And The Concerns You Have About Completing Your Baccalaureate Degree. Based On The Readings In The Course Materials, What Strategies Can You Implement To Be A Successful Student?
Sample Discussion Guide:
Since I got my Associate’s Degree in 2008, I’ve been thinking about going back to school. Like so many, the time between work and family “never seemed right.” My family can now take care of itself better, and I think this is a good place to start. I’m going to use this as a chance to show my kids how hard work and dedication can pay off. Also, in my current job as a nurse, I would be qualified to take the test for my school nurse certification after I finish my Bachelor’s degree. In the nursing field, getting a bachelor’s degree is quickly becoming the norm. Continuing my education is important to me and my nursing practice because it helps me give the best care possible to the people I serve.
I expect that this path to getting another degree will be full of challenges. Balancing time at home with family and friends, at work, and in school is at the top of the list, as I’m sure it is for many others. I, like most of my classmates, want to do well in my classes, and trying to figure out how to do that gives me healthy anxiety. Since I was last in a classroom, the world has changed a lot. Keeping up with these changes while still doing good work can be stressful. To make work of the quality I think I can make, I will have to work slowly and carefully.
I think that if I want to be an effective and successful student, I need to start right away with good study habits. Time management will come into play as I organize my study materials to help me remember the information I’m going over. I like to go over material ahead of time to get ready for discussion questions, papers, and answering questions from other students. I feel less anxious when I know what to expect and have time to think about how to respond. Since this whole program is online for me, I think that organization, being ready, and being able to manage my time will help me be as successful as possible.