Posted: November 19th, 2022
Discuss the need for institutional review boards (IRBs)
Discuss the need for institutional review boards (IRBs). How can they potentially affect or impact a study? Give a couple of examples [minimum 2].
his week’s lesson will cover chapters 11 to 13, and focus on rigor in qualitative research, mixed designs and mixed methods research, and ethics in research.
Topics covered include credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability, mixed methods designs, the history of ethics in research, and principles of ethical conduct for humans and animals in research.
After completing this lesson, you are expected to:
• Describe the concept of rigor in qualitative research.
• Classify mixed methods designs.
• Explain how to analyze data and report findings in mixed methods research.
• Describe issues related to using mixed methods research.
• Define ethics in research.
Discuss the need for institutional review boards (IRBs). How can they potentially affect or impact a study? Give a couple of examples [minimum 2].
Welcome to week 3. Thank you for the submissions of your assignments. Please note any comments on your papers. Some comments were mainly for guidance. Continue to refer to your APA 7th edition manual. Understand if you plan to seek higher education (DNP, Ph.D. or Ed.D. studies) or perhaps begin to publish, editors and future professors will have stringent guidelines for research practice.
Research is one of those necessary requirements for advanced practice nursing, regardless of the specialty or friend you are entering, you will encounter and be required to conduct or participate in research initiatives.
This week’s lesson will cover chapters 11 to 13, and focus on rigor in qualitative research, mixed designs and mixed methods research, and ethics in research. Topics covered include credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability, mixed methods designs, the history of ethics in research, and principles of ethical conduct for humans and animals in research.
After completing this lesson, you are expected to:
• Describe the concept of rigor in qualitative research.
• Classify mixed methods designs.
• Explain how to analysis data and report findings in mixed methods research.
• Describe issues related to using mixed methods research.
• Define ethics in research.
***If you have not heard it before, I will say it now. There is an old saying which states, “All research is flawed.” There is an element of truth to that saying as research is conducted by humans, and we are subject to error. That is it is important to have checks and balances to ensure the best possible outcomes in our research trajectory.
Research Validity (Is it true to the intended purpose?)
Progress has been gained from the initial concept of a “useless face validity” extending to examining the sensitivity and specificity of screening an diagnostic measures, When one selects a measure in their research endeavors, make certain that the validity has been thoroughly evaluated (Tappen, 2021).
Article: A Primer on the Validity of Assessment Instruments
Link: How sound is your research? A main premise of validity.
Video: Types of Validity