Posted: June 30th, 2022
Discuss How are both racial classifications tied to property rights
Discuss How are both racial classifications tied to property rights
How might an American studies scholar use the keywords “race” and “racialization” differently in their research?
How did racial science make socially-constructed hierarchies appear natural?
How is the United States is predicated on the notion that all citizens have equal rights to property, and how has this notion been unequally actualized?
How is the one-drop rule for those with African ancestry different from blood quantum for those with indigenous ancestry? How are both racial classifications tied to property rights?
How is the American dream a measure of success, and how have specific social policies excluded some Americans from accessing the American dream?
Each question should be 2 pages
Use reading resources as Primary resources
Academic Honesty
Protect yourself from plagiarism. In scholarly writing, you are welcome and encouraged to use secondary sources. You should be citing our course readings, and are welcome to cite any other articles that you research on your own, though additional research is not required for this exam. Please do include a works cited page and include in-text citations for any quotes or paraphrases. If you read any secondary or tertiary sources you do not cite in your exam, you must cite them in an additional works consulted page. If you are concerned about citations, I recommend turning in your exam early and viewing your VeriCite source. As long as it isn’t past the due date, you may make any appropriate corrections and resubmit.
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