Posted: January 31st, 2023
Discuss how and provide one real-world example (e.g., in the context of smart city) with network topology and illustrate the relevant
Part B (30%)
Part B provides 30% of assignment marks.
Since this is your third year of undergraduate education in Deakin University. It is highly recommended to learn to conduct a certain level of research work and explore a topic for a project. This is valuable as you can use the way when you do your final year’s project next year.
In Part B, we will provide three research questions about the Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Firewall and Honeypot you need to investigate and answer the following questions with proper literature citations:
1. Research Question 1 (15%):
Can an integrated system with IDS, IPS, Firewall & Honeypot together to improve the real-time system security?
Discuss how and provide one real-world example (e.g., in the context of smart city) with network topology and illustrate the relevant tools/techniques in use. Minimum 5 references are required. (State your own understanding after you have done some research works, cannot use the direct quotation, no more than 600 words)
2. Research Question 2 (10%):
Describe the IDS and Honeypot development history based on the timeline (e.g., in a chronological order in year)? Minimum 5 references are required. (no more than 400 words)
3. Research Question 3 (5%):
Discuss the main differences (minimum 3) between the firewall and IDS?
Using the diagram to illustrate the components for the types of IDS vs firewall. Use
two or three sentences to discuss the differences based on your understanding? (no more than 300 words)
Note: All materials from sources must be properly referenced. It is necessary to paraphrase and summarize sources, statistics, diagrams, images, experiment results and laboratory data – anything taken from sources. When misconduct is detected, the penalty is very strict. The University’s policy on plagiarism can be viewed, online, at