Posted: November 23rd, 2022
Discuss and analyze a value conflict that you experienced
Discuss and analyze a value conflict that you experienced or observed in your own practice
Discuss and examine a value conflict you encountered or witnessed in your own work.
You will compose and submit a midterm paper now that we are halfway through the semester. You will explain and analyze a value conflict that you encountered or seen in your own practice for this assignment. As you do so, you will include what you have studied so far from the course literature, as well as the NASW Code of Ethics.
Instructions for the Midterm Paper
Your paper should cover the following topics:
Choose a value dispute that occurred in practice between you and a colleague, agency, parent, or supervisor that focused around a client or group.
Explain the conflict in full.
Provide details for each of the three classifications from each position using Levy’s Values Classification Model. Fill in the blanks on the Levy’s Values Classification Model graphic. Download the Levy’s Values Classification Model chart and include it in your paper. Present the case as a narrative as well, explaining in detail each of the classifications, i.e. Preferred Conceptions of People, Preferred Conceptions for Outcomes for Working with People, and Preferred Instrumentalities for Working with People, from each of the case’s parties. Remember not to include the client because it is about your work with the client.
This classification approach is not intended to provide solutions, but rather to assist you in understanding the origins of the value conflict. However, if you found resolution and want to describe it in your narrative, you may do so and explain how you and the other parties arrived at the resolution. Include any incorrect use of values for knowledge or knowledge for values that may have altered the initial interpretation of the case, as well as any dysfunctional outcomes as a result.
Include at least three references to literature and the NASW Code of Ethics.
Please submit your work by the deadline listed on this page.
Your submission should be between 4-6 pages long, double-spaced, and in 12-point font.
The Levy’s Value Classification Model chart is included in your page count.
All citations must be in APA format.
For your submission, use the following naming convention: “first name last name m# midterm paper ddmmyy.”
Now that we are midway through the course, you will write and submit a midterm paper. For this paper, you will discuss and analyze a value conflict that you experienced or observed in your own practice. As you do this, you will also incorporate what you have learned so far from the course literature, while also accounting for the NASW Code of Ethics.
Midterm Paper Instructions
Your paper should address the following points:
1. Select a value conflict from practice that occurred between you and a colleague, agency, parent or supervisor that revolved around a client or group.
2. Describe the conflict in detail.
3. Utilizing Levy’s Values Classification Model, provide the details of each of the three classifications from each position. Fill in the Levy’s Values Classification Model chart Download Levy’s Values Classification Model chartthat is provided and include it in your paper. Also present the case as a narrative, explaining in detail each of the classifications, i.e. Preferred Conceptions of People, Preferred Conceptions for Outcomes for Working with People, and Preferred Instrumentalities for Working with People from each of the parties to the case. Remember: Do not include the client as it revolves around your work with the client.
4. This classification model is not meant to provide resolution, but merely to help you understand the genesis of the value conflict. However, if you found resolution and would like to describe it in your narrative, you may enter it and explain how you and the other parties arrived at the resolution of the conflict. Include any mistaken use of values for knowledge or knowledge for values that may have altered the way the case was initially interpreted, and whether there were any dysfunctional outcomes as a result.
5. Include references to literature (at least three) and to the NASW Code of Ethics.
• Submit your paper by the due date posted on this page.
• Your submission should be 4-6 pages, double-spaced, using 12-point font.
o Your page count includes the Levy’s Value Classification Model chart.
• All references must be in APA format.