Posted: January 28th, 2022
Discuss, analyze, and evaluate the causes and effect the Civil War
History homework help>History
Please Choose Any 3 of the 5 Essays. Make sure to number your essays!
Answer as clearly and concisely as possible minimum 2 pages double spaced per answer.
*Please utilize resources such as library, text book, you-tube, primary documents, and online information. Do Not Plagiarize!
MLA method
1. Discuss, analyze, and evaluate the causes and effect the Civil War had on American history and its impact on society and American culture. What were the legacies of reconstruction and what did it accomplish? Analyze and evaluate primary and secondary sources related to the motivation of Congress in establishing Reconstruction, its impact upon African Americans, and its lasting effects on American culture and political scenes including the failures of the 14th and 15th Amendments and the rise of Jim Crow laws.
2. Discuss the impacts of big business and American Expansionism on the native American populations and what events and actions triggered the last great wars against Americans by Native Americans such as the “Battle at Wounded Knee”.
3. Evaluate the development and expansion of the United States as a world power. Compare and contrast the economic problems faced by the American nation and the possible motives that led to the Spanish-American War.
4. Examine and analyze the progressive political movement and the Theodore Roosevelt administration including the growth of the United States as a world power in the 20th century.
5. Discuss and examine big industrialists of the 20th Century such as Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and John D. Rockefeller. Were they really to be considered “Robber Barons” or honorable business men that set the tone for the free market. How did they create and define the industrial age?
Help with history homework>History
Please select three of the five essays. Make sure your essays are numbered!
Answer as clearly and concisely as possible; each answer should be no more than two paragraphs double spaced.
*Please make use of library, text books, YouTube, primary documents, and online material. Plagiarism is not tolerated!
Using the MLA technique
1. Examine the origins and consequences of the Civil War in American history, as well as its effects on society and culture. What were the ramifications of reconstruction and what did it achieve? Analyze and evaluate primary and secondary sources relating to Congress’ motive for establishing Reconstruction, its impact on African Americans, and its long-term repercussions on American culture and politics, including the 14th and 15th Amendments’ failures and the establishment of Jim Crow legislation.
2. Discuss the effects of large business and American expansionism on native American communities, as well as the events and actions that led to the final great Native American warfare, such as the “Battle at Wounded Knee.”
3. Evaluate the United States’ growth and expansion as a global power. Compare and contrast the American nation’s economic woes with the likely causes of the Spanish-American War.
4. Research and analyze the progressive political movement and Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency, as well as the United States’ rise as a global power in the twentieth century.
5. Examine and discuss 20th-century industrialists such as Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and John D. Rockefeller. Were they truly “Robber Barons” or decent businessmen who set the tone for free market capitalism? How did they come up with the term “industrial age” and describe it?