Posted: February 19th, 2022
Discovery Stage of Civil Litigation Process
Discovery Stage of Civil Litigation Process
Discovery Stage of Civil Litigation Process
According to Parsons (2017), discovery procedures are important in that they will provide for the exchange of information between the defendant and the plaintiff. In this case, I would utilize various types of discovery procedures. As such, I would apply the use of oral depositions. People who have information pertinent to this litigation will be called and asked some questions as it pertains to the case. Such people may include some of the shoe company’s customers who can attest to the quality of the company’s shoes. The plaintiff will be included in this as well; this is important as it will help me fully understand the events that led him to file a complaint against the shoe company. Notably, a transcript will be prepared after the completion of the depositions. Requests for production will also be made. Therefore, written orders will be made to the opposing party to provide medical records, billings for the treatment, and employment records.
Requests for admission will be made as well. As Lichtman et al. (2020) explain, research questions are utilized in describing which facts are not in issue and may hence be agreed before trial. Notably, the questions as they pertain to this type of discovery will be closed, that is, the interviewee will either admit or deny the items in a question. Requests for admission will mainly target the shoe company’s employee(s) who served the plaintiff and the medical personnel that attended to him after he suffered the supposed injuries. Interrogatories are important too; these will comprise of written questions sent to the plaintiff’s attorney in an attempt to secure vital facts that pertain to the present case. This is important as it will help me develop a solid defense for my client.
Lichtman, P. D., Matthai, E. R., Seabolt, R. L., Kiesel, P. R., & Grillo, E. M. (2020). Matthew Bender practice guide: California civil discovery. LexisNexis.
Parsons, S. P. (2017). Interviewing and investigating: Essential skills for the paralegal. Aspen Publishers Online.