Posted: December 11th, 2022
Digital Lit
Digital Lit
Digital technology has really affected different areas of my life significantly. With regards to my personal life, digital technology has affected the way I communicate with others. Unlike in the past where I used to communicate mainly face-to-face or through telephones and letters, today I use a mobile phone, the internet and social media to communicate to my friends and family. By the click of a button, I am able to send texts and chat with my friends. Social media has also made it possible for my friends and I to inform each other of our activities. Digital technology has impacted my health habits negatively. For instance, I spend most of my time on the internet, and I hardly engage in any form of physical exercise. Digital technology has also impacted my academic life. It has made it possible for me to have access to a wide range of information (e.g. online books, videos, and images) (Price, Jewitt, & Brown, 2013). As such, I have been able to empower myself with knowledge in my area of study, and this has contributed to an improvement in my academic performance. My professional life has been impacted by digital technology as well. Technology has served to make my work easier. For instance, I am able to download and use various applications to complete some of my work tasks, and as such, I am able to save on time and costs.
Digital citizenship denotes to taking part in suitable and responsible conduct when utilizing technology. There are various ways in which I can practice good digital citizenship. One way is to ensure that I create a good brand of myself. I can attain this by posting useful and creative posts aimed at influencing people positively. Another way is to maintain digital respect, and etiquette (Mossberger, Tolbert & McNeal, 2017). This is where I make sure that I address people respectfully, and avoid engaging in any form of insults. I can also attain this by respecting people’s opinions even if they differ from mine. The last way is to keep and maintain the confidentiality of my information. I will be careful on who and how I share my information.
The digital tools that I will use are as follows:
• Ashford writing center- I will utilize this tool to sharpen my writing skills. As such, the tool will help me gain writing skills such as formatting of papers, and referencing. I will also be able to familiarize myself with the different writing styles.
• Canvas student app-I will use this tool to access my courses and course calendars and hence be kept up to date with matters that pertain to my lessons.
• Powerpoint-I will use this tool to make academic and professional presentations
In order to maintain the safety and security to my personal and professional online presence, I will adjust the security and privacy settings on websites to my comfort level for information sharing. This way, I will restrict how and with whom I share my information with. I will also apply the use of a virtual private network (VPN) which will serve to encrypt my internet traffic. Therefore, no person will be able to snoop on my data. Use of social media has several benefits. For instance, social media makes it possible to connect to people all over the world (Laurel, 2016). One can reach their friends and family from anywhere. Social media also enhances communication. Through this platform, messages and information are relayed fast. However, social media increases the risk of privacy breach (Huskerson, 2014). The use of social media can also lead to cyber bullying, and in extreme cases, suicide (Anderson, 2018).
The financial information that will help me make informed financial decisions about your future and eventual retirement include the following:
• Income statement
• Statement of cash inflows and outflows
• A budget
Anderson, J. J. (2018). Should Kids Use Social Media? Chicago, IL: Norwood House Press.
Huskerson, T. (2014). Social Media: The Good, Bad and Ugly. Relentlessly Creative Books
Laurel, I. (2016). Pros & Cons of Social Media. Scotts Valley, CA: Createspace Independent
Publishing Platform.
Mossberger, K., Tolbert, C. J., & McNeal, R. S. (2017). Digital Citizenship: The Internet,
Society, and Participation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Price, S., Jewitt, C., & Brown, B. (2013). The SAGE Handbook of Digital Technology
Research. SAGE.