Posted: October 15th, 2022
Digital Campaign Strategy Proposal
Digital Campaign Strategy Proposal
WORD COUNT: 2500; 30%
DUE: Friday, WEEK 12
Generally, professional reports are structured in similar ways. The section headings outlined below are specific to this assignment but follow a structure that is fairly standard.
The parts of your digital campaign strategy proposal report are:
• Title Page
• Executive Summary
• Contents
• List of Figures and/or Tables (if any)
• Introduction
• Background
• Goal/s
• SMART objectives
• Key message/s
• Target audience
• Platform selection & justification
• Specific social media tactics
• Evaluation plan
• Conclusion
• References
• Appendices (if any)
Each section of the report has a specific function. Theoretical concepts, terminology, and scholarly research should be incorporated throughout the body of the report (from the introduction onwards) with correct Harvard referencing for all quotes and paraphrasing. Subheadings may be used as appropriate within sections and should be numbered and included in the table of contents.
Title page
The title page should provide the following information:
• Course code and course title
• Title of the report (be creative)
• Your name and student number
• Word count
• Consider design aspects (Image, logo, campaign catch phrase/slogan)
Executive Summary
The aim of the summary is to give the reader a quick overview of the main purpose, analysis, critique, and conclusions of the report. It should also indicate the methods used to obtain the information, and the scope of the report.
The summary is written in prose and should not contain direct quotations, headings, or unnecessary wording. It should be single-spaced. It should be approximately less than one page in length (approximately one fifth of the assignment length). Reading the Executive Summary should give a complete snapshot of the report. (Don’t worry about spoilers!)
Executive summary is:
• Placed before Contents page and after the Title Page
• Put on its own page with page number i (not 1)
• Single line spaced
• Not counted in the overall word count
• Written last
• Written in past/present tense
The contents page names each section of the report in order of appearance with the corresponding page numbers. The numbering system used to identify each section should correspond with the numbering system used in the report proper and is formatted by using the MS Word style sets. A typical numbering system is the decimal system. For example, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, etc.
List of Figures and Tables
This page comes after the contents page and lists all figures (e.g., images, screenshots, drawings, diagrams, graphs, etc.) and tables according to number, title, and page.
• The list of tables and figures looks like Contents (see above) except it includes only tables and figures.
In the main body text of the report:
• Each figure and table should be numbered
• Each table must have a title – For example, Table 3.0: Target Audience demographics. The title of the table appears at the top of the table.
• Each figure should be captioned – For example, Figure 7.0: Coca Cola’s Instagram post. The caption of the figure should be placed at the bottom of the figure.
• Include the source of each table if it has been taken from somewhere or even if it has been adapted from another source. The source of the table should be cited under the table. So, the title should be on top and the source at the bottom.
• Include the source of each figure: The source of the figure should be placed at the bottom of the figure, under the caption. So, both the caption and source appear under the figure.
1.0 Introduction
The introduction contains, very briefly:
1) The purpose of this report is to….The report is written to …………………..
2) Scope of report –
• What the report covers i.e., the roadmap or outline of the report
• How information will be presented
• Where the information comes from, e.g., news media, online or electronic sources e.g., corporate websites, secondary research such as literature review.
2.0 Background
This section should include:
• A brief overview of the client – Who is the client? Sector, nature of business, goals, mission, values, aspirations. Link the client’s general/overall goals to their social media or digital goals. What is it that the client wants to achieve through their digital presence?
• A brief overview of the campaign – This is where you will refer back to Task 1b and use information gleaned from the audit and analysis of the client’s social media presence. Use the analysis from the audit report to justify the need for developing this digital communication strategy proposal. State the purpose of the strategy and why it is required, etc.
Feel free to change the title of this section to suit your content. You can also sub-headings if you like.
3.0 Campaign Goal
What is your digital campaign’s goal?
NOTE: Do not use the client’s goal here. This is about the campaign and what it hopes to achieve for the client.
4.0 Campaign Objectives
What are the SMART objectives of this proposed digital campaign?
NOTE: Make sure that your campaign goal/s and objectives relate to target publics.
5.0 Key Message/s
What are the key messages that you wish to convey to the target audience through this campaign?
6.0 Target Audience
• Who are the target audience?
o Demographics
o Geographics
o Psychographics (should include characteristics, lifestyle, interests, etc.)
• Justify selection of target audience
7.0 Platform selection & Justification
Which digital / social media platforms have you identified for this campaign? Offer a justification for choosing each platform.
• Is the platform suitable for the proposed target audience?
• What do the experts and academics say about the performance of this platform?
• Are there any reports or statistics to support the suitability, relevance, and capability of this platform?
• Does the client use this platform? Is it their weak spot or do they have a strong following on it?
• Etc.
8.0 Specific Social Media Tactics
In this section, you will detail the tactics you plan to employ on each platform.
• Type of posts (text, visual – what kind of text and/or visual? – etc.)
• Frequency of posts
• Will there be any other type of tactics? (e.g., competitions, treasure hunt, etc.)
• How will the different posts and/or tactics relate to each other on one platform?
• How will all these proposed posts and/or tactics complement each other on different platforms?
• Do these tactics help achieve the campaign goal/s and objectives?
• Are these tactics measurable? Can they be evaluated?
NOTE: If the answer is NO, then you need to go back to the drawing board because each tactic must be measurable – otherwise you will not know if they are helping you realise your goals and objectives or not.
9.0 Evaluation
What are your evaluation plans? How do you propose to measure expected outcomes against set SMART objectives?
List a proposed evaluation method for each objective.
10.0 Conclusion
Present an overall summary of the report. It should include the main points and an overall assessment of how everything connects and are the key takeaways.
No new information should be introduced here. Avoid the use of direct quotations here.
A list of references is an alphabetical listing of the material that was referenced (paraphrased or quoted) in your report. DO NOT number or bullet-point your reference list. Each entry is written using single line spacing and a blank line is left between each entry. All lines of an entry start at the margin. References always start on new page.
A minimum of 12 credible references, with at least 6 academic sources.
Ensure you are using the University of Adelaide Harvard Referencing style. You can find the guide for this linked from the Course Information module for this course on MyUni.
Appendices (if applicable)
Appendices present additional material, such as examples of website pages, images, tables, and graphs that are relevant but not crucial to the main theme of the report.
• Begin the appendix on a new page.
• Label each appendix using a letter, rather than a number.
• Acknowledge the source of the material used.
• Refer the reader to the appropriate appendix at the relevant point in your text by enclosing ‘see Appendix A’ in parenthesis.
Layout and formatting
Use this as checklist to ensure that you have completed this assessment piece according to the requirements:
Word count 2500 +/-10% [1.0 Introduction to 01.0 Conclusion; includes in-text citations]
Executive summary – no more than 500 words, single-spaced, preferably within a page, clearly written, page numbered (i) (not included in word count).
Table of Contents – names and numbers sections of report appropriately and correspondingly to the contents of the report (not included in word count).
List of Tables and Figures (after content page; not included in word count)
In-text citations for all direct quotations and paraphrasing. Direct quotations require a page reference number and should be enclosed in quote marks “like this”.
Headings and sub-headings appropriately worded/titled and numbered.
Tables and figures appropriately titled, placed, referenced, and numbered within the main text (not included in word count).
All referencing follows University of Adelaide Harvard Style. Please DO NOT use weblinks as sources. Online sources should be cited like any other in-text reference.
Reference List [with a heading] on separate page (not part of word count)
Appendices (if required) – Each Appendix should be on separate page with appropriate label and lettering (not part of word count)
Font: 12 point, Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri or similar
Line spacing: 1.5 for body of report
Written in a professional tone, without chatty or overly complex sentence structure
Refer to the Marking Rubric additional assessment criteria
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