Posted: November 19th, 2022
Digital and Social Media Marketing
Unit Reference Number J/618/1616
Unit Title Digital and Social Media Marketing
Unit Level 7
Number of Credits 20
Total Qualification Time 200
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) 100
Mandatory / Optional Mandatory
Unit Grading Structure Pass/Fail
Unit aims
This unit aims to develop learners’ practical introduction to digital and social media
technologies (such as Twitter, Facebook, connected devices – the internet of things and
affiliate networks) and their application within marketing.
The module examines the key characteristics of digital and social media, identifies the
theoretical underpinnings such as issues of trust and customer engagement together with
trends and usage patterns to provide a framework through which to understand and
evaluate them. Also, the module examines the legal and ethical considerations that
marketing in a digital world raises. This module teaches you a range of state-of-the-art
tools and theories of how to use social media effectively to achieve your branding and
communication goals. students will learn the scientific and strategic approach to marketing
with hands-on implementation of online marketing and social media strategies.
Learning Outcomes –
the learner will:
Assessment Criteria –
the learner can:
1. Understand the role of information
technology and social media in
digital marketing.
Discuss the integration of digital marketing
and offline marketing concepts and
Analyse the role of digital technologies in
digital marketing strategies and tactics
within an e-business perspective.
Develop goals and objectives of digital and
social media strategy.
Evaluate the role of e-commerce in building
and maintain relationships, customer
retention and customer loyalty.
2. Understand the changing dynamics
of an organisation’s environment
and its impacts.
Analyse how the changing dynamics of the
internal and external environments
influence the future direction of the digital
structure of an organisation.
Analyse the process and factors that
include consumers to adopt digital
Evaluate the changes in online customer
behaviour as a result of the dynamic digital
Develop an integrated approach to data
collection, analysis and extraction of
insights across all channels, which enables
an understanding and synthesis of
information into insights.
3. Recommend resource-led
innovative approaches using digital
marketing tools to contemporary
digital marketing challenges
Analyse the role of digital marketing within
the extended marketing mix- 7 Ps.
Evaluate different automated and non automated sales and support activities,
Evaluate various Digital communications
tools and platforms that can be used to
enhance customer experience
Analyse and evaluate E-commerce based
business models for revenue generation.
4. Understand how to develop digital
strategies and an integrated social
media campaign for a strategic
relationship with the customers.
Analyse a digital marketing strategy for an
organisation for building customer
relationships with the brand and
Analyse a digital strategy with an integrated
digital promotion campaign to create a web based presence.
Evaluate the resource requirements for a
digital marketing strategy, digital channels
and digital communications mix.
Examine the use of proposed key
performance indicators to measure the
success of the digital strategy and social
media campaign.
You are required to choose a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) in your country on
which to base your assignment. You are advised to check with your tutor that your choice
is appropriate.
You are recently hired as a Digital Marketing Executive by the SME. The vision statement
of the company is to develop and implement a digital marketing strategy and a digital
campaign in the contemporary changing business environment.
The management team has assigned you the following tasks and you will be required to
report back to them.
Task 1 of 2 – Presentation and Speaker notes (ACs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4)
Prepare a comprehensive presentation for the management team.
You will need to explain the nature, role and significance of digital and social media
marketing strategies in the organisational success. You will provide speaker notes at the
end of the session. Each task must be answered with examples, conceptual application
and analysis using examples from your chosen SME.
The following points need to be addressed when preparing the presentation:
1. Discuss the integration of digital marketing and offline marketing concepts
and applications for the chosen organisation.
2. Analyse the role of digital technologies in digital marketing strategies and
tactics within an e-business perspective for the chosen organisation.
3. Develop goals and objectives of digital and social media strategy for the
chosen organisation.
4. Evaluate the role of e-commerce in building and maintain relationships,
customer retention and customer loyalty for the chosen organisation.
Delivery and submission:
? 1x 10 minute Presentation file with references
? 1x set of speaker notes supporting each slide – 500 words
Task 2 of 2 – A Digital Marketing Strategy and Digital Campaign Report
You are tasked with developing and implementing a digital marketing strategy and digital
campaign for the SME in the contemporary changing business environment.
Each task must be answered with the application of appropriate digital marketing theories
and models, using suitable examples, analysis and evaluation of arguments relevant to
your chosen SME organisation.
The following points need to be addressed when preparing the report:
Section A (ACs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4)
1. Analyse how the changing dynamics of the internal and external
environments influence the future direction of the digital structure of the
chosen organisation.
2. Analyse the process and factors that influence consumers to adopt digital
marketing for the customers of the chosen organisation.
3. Evaluate the changes in online customer behaviour as a result of the dynamic
digital environment of your chosen organisation.
4. Develop an integrated approach to data collection, analysis and extraction of
insights across all channels for the organisation, which enables an understanding
and synthesis of information into insights.
Section B (ACs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4)
1. Analyse the role of digital marketing within the extended marketing mix- 7 Ps at
the chosen organisation.
2. Evaluate different automated and non-automated sales and support activities at
the chosen organisation.
3. Evaluate various Digital communications tools and platforms that can be used
to enhance the customer experience for the chosen organisation.
4. Analyse and evaluate E-commerce based business models for revenue
generation for the chosen organisation.
Section C (ACs 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4)
1. Analyse a digital marketing strategy for the chosen organisation for building
customer relationships with the brand and the organisation.
2. Analyse a digital strategy with an integrated digital promotion campaign to create a
web-based presence for the chosen organisation.
3. Evaluate the resource requirements for a digital marketing strategy, digital
channels and digital communications mix for the chosen organisation.
4. Examine the use of proposed key performance indicators to measure the success
of the digital strategy and social media campaign for the chosen organisation.
? 1x Report
? 1x Report – 4000 words excluding TOC, diagrams, references and appendices
? You should use and cite a range of academic and reliable sources.
? A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of the
Evidence to be submitted:
? Presentation file with references
? Presentation speaker notes – 500 words
Report – 4000 words