Posted: August 31st, 2022
1) Create a thread that lists one specific climate proxy (not an archive!)]
What climate information can we get from the proxy you just listed? You will not be able to see other student’s responses until you have first submitted your response.
(the chosen climate proxy are DIATOMS)
2) Comment on at least one other student’s thread, describing a potential problem with the use of that student’s listed proxy to understand past climate. Problems might include how the proxy might be misinterpreted (be specific!), things that interfere with that proxy (again, be specific!), etc. For example, one potential problem with tree rings is that trees grow much faster when they are young, and thus it looks like it was warmer/wetter earlier in the tree’s life simply because of its growth pattern and not because of climate. Do not cut and paste from the web – I want you to describe things in your own words.