Posted: May 1st, 2022
Develop a paper on the effectiveness of psychotherapy models for a specific disorder
Paper Guidelines (8 -10 pages)
Develop a paper on the effectiveness of psychotherapy models for a specific disorder.
The disorder can be depression ( in general or one type of depression); anxiety (or a specific anxiety disorder such as phobias), eating disorders (anorexia or bulimia); substance use disorders, etc. NOTE : Use Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to treat GENERAL ANXIETY DISORDER
The paper should specify in the introduction, the disorder and its definition, and usual symptoms, and the types and names of psychotherapy models found to be effective in its treatment (literature search, may be 3 or 4 models). Cite the most convincing research: describe the sample, data collection, findings and conclusion of at least-four published studies. The studies may be (but do not have to be) on the same model; however, the research should be on one specific disorder. Critique each study—are these strong studies on effectiveness? What are the studies’ limitations? Conceptual discussion-Develop a thorough understanding of the chosen topic by o Providing a definition, o Elaborating on the many features or implications of the topic, and o Illustrating the topic using specific factual or hypothetical examples (or personal examples, if appropriate). In Part II, you will discuss how understanding this issue could or has helped someone (or you) communicate more effectively, live more happily, or achieve more success in social or professional contexts. o Please keep in mind that you are not required to address both Parts I and II in your paper in order to obtain a passing mark; nevertheless, you must address both parts in your paper in order to receive a passing grade. Paper Format Papers must be written in Standard English and use standard grammar and punctuation (punctuation, spelling, etc.) APA citation format should be used to cite at least TWO credible sources (in addition to our textbook) (see instructions and examples of APA citation in a separate file). There are no restrictions on the type of source that you might use to support your claim. Using our university library’s database or a website, you can cite anything from books to journals to journal articles to websites. In order to be taken seriously, you must cite authoritative sources that are written by experts in the field or that are published by reliable organisations.
Explain why the studies chosen support a specific model’s use. For example, has cognitive therapy for eating disorders been shown to be more effective than psychodynamic models because of the symptom of dichotomous thinking? Are there cultural implications that affect the model’s effectiveness?
Finally, describe the implications for your practice.
Format /Organization of Paper
1. Introduction:
a. Disorder Defined
b. Models commonly used, (This could be theory, expert opinion, as well as research publications) for the disorder
c. Models cited on effectiveness for the disorder in your literature search (might be several)
2. Body of Paper:
d. Introduce this section
e. Cited Research and description on the Effectiveness of specific models (4 studies) for the disorder you have chosen with critique of the study
f. Do the findings conclude the model plus pharmacology is the most effective? Psychotherapy alone? Cultural Implications of the model’s use?
3. Implications for Your Practice (how psychiatrist or nurse practitioners can use this effectively in their practice).
4. Summary of Paper
5. Conclusions
This mean the paper will have these headings:
1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Implication for the practice ( how psychiatrist or nurse practitioners can use this effectively in their practice).
4. Summary of the paper
5. Conclusion.