Posted: August 31st, 2022
Describe the normal anatomy and physiology
You MUST complete your oral presentation on the topic assigned to you. No marks will be awarded if you submit an assessment on another topic.
General information: Your task is to make a 5-minute video presentation (with audio, written text and pictures/diagrams) answering the question “Can I live without a [insert your topic here]?”
In your presentation, you MUST address the following:
1. Describe the normal anatomy and physiology of your assigned organ/structure. 2. Can I live without a [insert your topic here]? Explain why/why not. 3. Explain, using at least one example, how you may encounter this organ/structure in your future profession. 4. Include an annotated bibliography.
The focus of BIOL121 is upon normal anatomy and physiology. Therefore, we are asking you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of normal anatomy and physiology in this assessment task. Although we are asking you to discuss a ‘without’ situation, do not become distracted by detailed pathophysiology, clinical signs, symptoms and treatments.
Do I need to reference my oral presentation? Yes, you must include appropriate in text citations on your slides and an annotated bibliography using APA style (7th edition). Penalties will be applied as per the marking guide for inadequate and/or incorrect referencing. You can find resources to assist you with correct APA referencing on the ACU library and Academic Skills Unit LEO site.
Instructions for researching and preparing your oral presentation
Your recorded oral presentation must have five key components 1. Title slide. Include your name, student number and course of study. 2. A description of the normal anatomy and physiology of your assigned organ/structure. 3. An answer to the question “Can I live without a [insert your topic here]?” and an explanation of why/why not. 4. An explanation, using at least one example, of how you may encounter this organ/structure in your future profession. 5. Final slide(s): An annotated bibliography containing a minimum of 5 source citations (not including images).
1. Create your video
Length of recording
• Recorded oral presentations are to be 5 minutes long; those exceeding 5 minutes and 30 seconds in length will not be listened to after this point. No marks will be awarded for content beyond this point. • Your recording MUST be understandable to your marker. Do NOT speed up the audio component of your recording to fit within the allocated time. • You do NOT need to discuss your annotated bibliography in your recorded oral presentation. However, we do ask that you leave it on the screen long enough so your marker can hit pause and read it properly.
Your oral presentation MUST be submitted as an Echo360 video file
• Your oral presentation requires both a video and audio component. • The presentation needs to be your own original work; you cannot include YouTube clips or other videos as part of your presentation, but you can generate your own video files. • Your video presentation can be created in any number of ways (e.g. narrated PowerPoint, or by using screen recording software like Zoom, Screencast-O-Matic or Echo360 Universal Capture). • Once you have created a VIDEO file, you must upload it to your Echo360 library (instructions below)
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