Posted: July 15th, 2022
Describe the Australian Government’s ISM and PSPF
Describe the Australian Government’s ISM and PSPF
1. PowerPoinT presentation or any opensource presentation with audio embedded – Not less than 9 minutes and not more than 10 minutes. Test the slides for audio clarity before uploading. The submitted presentation must be compatible with PPT viewer/MS-Powerpoint.
2. Document file(.docx or doc or PDF is highly preferred) – Formatted correctly and neatly with appropriate header, text and explaining briefly the tasks selected for the assignment. Total word count is ~750 words for combination of the tasks selected.
Please feel free to ask me if you have an issue related to the following tasks.
Task 4 Describe the Australian Government’s ISM and PSPF with particular emphasis on information classification. Develop an organisational structure to implement the requirements of the standards.
Task 8 – Internet filtering is considered an important aspect for enforcing information security policy of an organisation. Describe the need for internet filtering and identify and describe some industrial filters that are used in the industry.
Task 10 – Describe the importance of Identity and Access Management systems in enforcing security in an organisation. Briefly describe some industry based products and compare their performances.
Task 11: Describe the hackers’ lingo. Describe the terms used by the hackers and their meanings. There should be a minimum of 10 terms.