Posted: April 14th, 2022
Describe the age-related physiologic or psychological disorder.
Describe the age-related physiologic or psychological disorder.
Select one of the following functions: integumentary function, urinary function, musculoskeletal function, or endocrine function.
Describe the age-related changes, as well as the most common problems and conditions.
Summarize the nursing management that is appropriate for your chosen Physiologic or Psychologic Disorder.
Instructions for Submission:
The presentation is unique and well-organized.
References were cited in accordance with current APA format.
The power point presentation, which consisted of 4-6 slides, was clear and easy to read. The content on the slides was expanded and clarified by the speaker notes.
Include at least four current (within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) in your work.
Describe the physiologic or psychological disorder associated with old age.
Choose an integumentary function, a urinary function, a musculoskeletal function, or an endocrine function.
Describe the changes that occur with age, as well as the most common problems and conditions.
Summarize the nursing care that is appropriate for your selected Physiologic or Psychological Disorder.
Submission Instructions:
The presentation is one-of-a-kind and well-organized.
References were cited using the current APA format.
The power point presentation, which had 4-6 slides, was clear and easy to follow. The speaker notes expanded and clarified the content on the slides.
In your work, include at least four current (within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions).