Posted: May 1st, 2022
depending on the size of the board.
depending on the size of the board. These sheets are not too heavy on their own – weighing only about 50 grams each. It is important that they are not damaged, and so handling them carefully takes some skill. They are placed on the freshly pasted bill board starting from the top left, and then each sheet is placed in order until the full poster has been built up. About once per year, we remove all of the old posters from a billboard. As there are many layers of old posters and dried paste, the debris from this activity can be quite heavy, and so this is done by a team of two. I work from home – just going into the depot for supplies, maybe once a week. I have a work-issued
sheets, depending on the board’s size These sheets are not particularly heavy on their own, weighing only about 50 grams. It is critical that they are not harmed, thus handling them with care requires considerable ability. They are placed on the freshly pasted bill board starting from the top left, and then each sheet is placed in order until the full poster has been built up. About once per year, we remove all of the old posters from a billboard. As there are many layers of old posters and dried paste, the debris from this activity can be quite heavy, and so this is done by a team of two. I work from home – just going into the depot for supplies, maybe