Posted: April 10th, 2022
Define the association names and the multiplicities- Software Engineering
Define the association names and the multiplicities- Software Engineering
Milestone 2: Requirements Analysis
This project concentrates on the technical aspects of the software engineering process, and hence focuses on the analysis of systems requirements during the process. The emphasis of this Milestone-2 is on the requirements analysis to produce the Use case model, Activity
diagrams, and the Domain Model using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Visual Paradigm tools. The body of your Milestone 2: Requirements Analysis will consist of the following deliverables:
1. A complete use case diagram covering all major functionalities of the system and actors. You can use the functions proposed by Golden Software Solution, in that case, you may add additional functions or remove some.
2. Propose Use case specification for most complex and key 6 use cases selected from your use case diagram. Your proposed use case specification should include brief description, primary actor(s), trigger, main success scenario, pre-condition(s), post-condition(s), normal scenario with actor action- system response, alternative flows (if any) of each use case. Use the template available from this document.
3. Activity diagram with swim-lanes for four of the six use cases proposed in Task 2.
4. A domain model. For each conceptual class you should define the attributes and their data types. For associations, you should define the association names and the multiplicities on both ends, as well as association names (i.e. roles) where applicable.