Posted: October 31st, 2022
Data-Based Understanding of Happiness
Data-Based Understanding of Happiness
In Part Two of this project, you will study the entire quantitative and qualitative data set. You will also read or review two articles (O’Brien, 2008; Westgate & Oishi, 2021) that address the relationship between the humanities and happiness (Westgate & Oishi, 2021) and the concept of sustainable happiness (O’Brien, 2008). The data from one performance (IU Mariachi Perla del Medio Oeste) and three booths (Ba Ba Buttons, Wiggle Butt Greetings, and Emporada Candles) are in a spreadsheet in the *First Thursday Data folder in the Files section of Canvas. Please write a report in which you do the following: Examine the data regarding the performance by the Mariachi Perla del Medio Oeste (IU Mariachi Ensemble), attended by 55 members of our class. Create a data table or graph that indicates the frequency of each score on the Pleasure-Purpose Swing-O-Meter as reported by our class. Report the mean (average) and mode (most frequent) score on the Pleasure-Purpose Swing-O-Meter. Offer an explanation of the mode score on the Pleasure-Purpose Swing-O-Meter as reported by our class that uses the qualitative data to provide richness to the quantitative data. Examine the data regarding one of the humanities booths at the October 6 First Friday event. Provided for you are the data from three booths (Ba Ba Buttons, Wiggle Butt Greetings, and Emporada Candles). Create a data table or graph that indicates the frequency of each score on the Pleasure-Purpose Swing-O-Meter as reported by our class. Report the mean (average) and mode (most frequent) score on the Pleasure-Purpose Swing-O-Meter. Offer an explanation of the mode score on the Pleasure-Purpose Swing-O-Meter as reported by our class that uses the qualitative data to provide richness to the quantitative data. Create a data table or graph that shows the frequency of each score on our class’s Pleasure-Purpose Swing-O-Meter. On the Pleasure-Purpose Swing-O-Meter, report the mean (average) and mode (most frequent) scores. Provide an explanation for the mode score on the Pleasure-Purpose Swing-O-Meter as reported by our class, which uses qualitative data to supplement quantitative data. Read all of the qualitative statements about that humanities booth reported by our class. Identify and report on two themes that you find in the qualitative data. Use excerpts from the student comments that you feel illustrate those themes. Identify one of the humanities booths reported on from the October 6 First Thursday event that you feel illustrates the idea of sustainable happiness. Explain why you feel that booth did so and one additional thing they might do in the future to be more effective. In your report, please provide at least one quote, properly cited using APA style, to each of the three pieces of literature below. Also provide a properly formatted Reference List using APA style.