Posted: February 28th, 2022
data base access
Every table should have a minimum of 5 records to ensure that everything works (ie., queries, reports, etc.)
Main menu should open when Access starts
All team member’s names on Main Menu. This may be removed when giving the final product to your client.
Minimum of 5 queries
Minimum of 5 reports.
Navigation to all submenus from Main Menu and back to Main Menu from submenus (You may use buttons for this)
Use of DLOOKUP at least 2 times. May be in a macro or embedded in a form.
Minimum of 5 macros all with intuitive names (ie., describing what the macro does and NOT macro1, macro2, etc.)
Employ at least one conditional macro.
Add one crosstab query accessible from the Main Menu.
One data entry form. The user should NOT have to enter PK data values here.
All data should be viewable in a form, subform, report, etc. Size data displays so that everything is visible.
All Reports should have navigational buttons at top as well as bottom of the screen to return to the Main Menu.
Any errors or issues should be noted in documentation.
Add a button on the Main Menu to exit the database.
Add directions that show where I will be able to find your key components (above requirements; eg. where did you put your DLOOKUPs?)