Posted: February 13th, 2022
cyber security
Just before clocking out for the day, you notice something strange in the hospital’s computer system. Some person, or group, has accessed user accounts and conducted unauthorized activities. Recently, the hospital experienced intrusion into one of its patient’s billing accounts. After validating user profiles in Active Directory and matching them with user credentials, you suspect several user’s passwords have been compromised to gain access to the hospital’s computer network. You schedule an emergency meeting with the director of IT and the hospital board. In light of this security breach, they ask you to examine the security posture of the hospital’s information systems infrastructure and implement defense techniques. This must be done quickly, your director says. The hospital board is less knowledgeable about information system security. The board makes it clear that it has a limited cybersecurity budget. However, if you can make a strong case to the board, it is likely that they will increase your budget and implement your recommended tool companywide. You will share your findings on the hospital’s security posture. Your findings will be brought to the director of IT in a technical report. You will also provide a nontechnical assessment of the overall identity management system of the hospital and define practices to restrict and permit access to information. You will share this assessment with the hospital board in the form of a narrated slide show presentation. You know that identity management will increase the security of the overall information system’s infrastructure for the hospital. You also know that, with a good identity management system, the security and productivity benefits will outweigh costs incurred. This is the argument you must make to those stakeholders.