Posted: October 29th, 2022
Cyber Intelligence and Security
Computer Sciences and Information Technology
Cyber Intelligence and Security
You will find a 2018 news article related to Cyber Intelligence and Security and post a commentary, summary of the article.
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As stated in the article “60% of systems are still running Windows XP”.
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Title: Journalist Was Killed in Mexico and His Colleagues Were Hacked.
Date: November 27, 2018
The link to the article:
According to the New York Times, the murder took place in Mexico City where a prominent journalist Javier Valdez was shot dead. The killers were later detained according to the text messages received by the colleagues which they believed was a hacked message. The messages are received by clicking on a given link. The message was believed to have been infected by the spyware which is known as Pegasus that is operated by the Mexican government. The click on the message would encrypt messaging and monitor emails. The camera and the microphone can also be activated. In another case, the phone of a friend to Javier was hacked to find a clue on who murdered the journalist.
The people involved in the murder were not known. The hacking of the cell phones is believed to have been done by the Mexican government which operates the Spy software that was purchased from Israel. The event of murder and hacking took place in Mexico City. There is interest in this matter due to increasing number of journalist that is killed and no one is held responsible. The spyware is targeting the wrong group of people and hence the government of Mexico is reluctant. The security of the journalists is very important and if compromised interferes with the freedom of the press. – essay writers
The articles relate closely to what have studied so far because it relates closely to other cases of cyber-attacks and how cyber-crime is becoming an issue of concern. The growing number of cyber-criminal is very high. Everyone is a victim of cyber-attack. New methods used by hackers are discovered ( Azam, 2018).
Azam, A (2018, November 27). Journalist Was Killed in Mexico. Then His Colleagues Were Hacked. The New York Times. Retrieved from: