Posted: October 15th, 2022
Option examples for Cultures (Choose ONE): American Indian/Alaskan, Amish, Appalachian, Arab, Chinese, Cuban, European American, Filipino, German, Guatemalan, Haitian, Hindu, Japanese, Mexican, Polish, Puerto Rican, Russian, or Vietnamese.
• To complete this activity, the student must seek additional resources and references beyond the textbooks. It is the student’s responsibility to locate these resources and references.
• This activity will challenge your creativity, strengthen critical thinking skills, enhance your perspectives about public health nursing, broaden your knowledge in teaching/learning, and enhance professional skills in communication and teamwork and staff development.
Create a PowerPoint that includes:
Students must prepare MEASURABLE objectives to accompany their presentation. The objectives should be written in terms of the learner and must use action verbs in order to be measurable. While it is tempting to say the learner will meet all objectives with 100% accuracy, remember…your success as a presenter is measured by how well your audience meets your objectives, so don’t set yourself up for failure. Perfect compliance should be reserved only for critical items. For other objectives, choose an acceptable success level that is neither too low nor too high, such as 85% or 90%. The number of objectives you write depends on how specific they are and the amount and diversity of your content. For this presentation, somewhere between four and eight is generally recommended. The objectives should address the content areas of the PowerPoint. While it may be tempting to claim that the learner will achieve all objectives with 100% accuracy, keep in mind that your success as a presenter is measured by how well your audience achieves your objectives, so don’t set yourself up for failure. Only critical items should have perfect compliance. Choose an acceptable success level that is neither too low nor too high for other objectives, such as 85% or 90%. The number of objectives you write is determined by how specific they are, as well as the quantity and diversity of your content. Four to eight people are generally recommended for this presentation. The objectives should address the PowerPoint’s content areas.
1. The measureable objectives must be listed starting on the second slide in your PowerPoint presentation. Example: “At the end of this presentation 95% of the audience will be able to recall the communication language of the Vietnamese people.”
CONTENT AREAS for PowerPoint
Students must address all of the following content areas below. I have included some “hints”, but they are just that, they are not complete definitions of the content area. Students are welcome to include other areas that they feel are pertinent to the learner’s understanding of the cultural experience. Students are encouraged to use graphics, photographs, the 2010 or 2020 census and other items that will enhance understanding of the teaching learning process. A minimum of 20 slides are required for the power point. To complete this activity, the student must seek additional resources and references beyond the textbooks. It is the student’s responsibility to locate these resources and references. Put your name, the course number, and the name of the Culture you are using.
1. Communication
o What is the primary language? What are some of these cultures common expressions? How do they communicate with each other? Nonverbal communication, gesturing and facial expressions, use of touch, and spatial distancing practices. Worldviews of past, present and future.
2. Family Roles and Organization
o Who is head of the household? Gender roles, family goals and priorities, developmental tasks of children and adolescents, roles of the aged and extended family. Acceptance of alternative lifestyles such as single parenting.
3. Cultural Population
Use the 2020 Census to show how the chosen cultural population has remained unchanged, increased, or decreased.
4. Bio-cultural ecology/High risk health behaviors
This section includes areas such as physical, biological, and physiological variations. Some examples might be skin color and physical differences in the body, genetics, lifestyle, and environment.
High risk behaviors might include areas such as substance abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs. Nonuse of safety measures such as seat belts, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
5. Nutrition/dietary
o Includes the meaning of food, common foods and rituals, nutritional deficiencies and food limitations, use of food for health promotion and disease prevention.
6. Death Impact of the injury/disease process on the individual, family and society/Ethical issues pertinent to the injury/disease process
o How does the individual and the society view death and euthanasia. What are the rituals to prepare for death and burial practices? What are the bereavement behaviors?
7. Healthcare practice/healthcare providers
o What is the focus of health care beliefs with this culture? What is the individual responsibility for health, self-medicating practices, views on mental illness, views on blood and blood products, organ transplantation and donation? What are their beliefs about the gender of the healthcare provider? Does this make a difference?
8. Barriers to Culturally Competent Health Care
Some of these might include language and health literacy, availability, accessibility, affordability, acceptability, attitudes, and approachability