Posted: September 5th, 2023
CUCIOO Assessment 2: Annotated Bibliography 800 words
CUCIOO Assessment 2: Annotated Bibliography
Approximately 800 words
Reference details are not included in the word-count of this assessment
Due date: Monday, 23:59 (CST), Week 7.
Submit your annotated bibliography through the -A2: Annotated BibliographV’ link
in the -Assessment Submission- area of Learnline by 23:59 on Monday of Week 7.
For details on setting up your Word document for this assessment, open the link to
-Formatting Guidelines for Assessments 2 & 4- through the -Assessment Tasks- link
under ASSESSMENT on the CUCIOO Learnline site menu.
Task Overview:
An annotated bibliography is a bibliography with notes that summarise and explain the
relevance of each bibliographic entry (see p. 143 of textbook for more information). This
assessment represents the next important stage in writing a persuasive essay; gathering
relevant information from the published academic literature to:
1. Build your understanding of the topic and
2. Find credible evidence to back up the ideas that you will present in your final essay.
So, through the specified CUCIOO core readings (explored in Weeks 3, 4 and 5) you will build
your knowledge of key sustainability concepts, as well as approaches to developing
sustainable responses to concerns; and you will identify parts of these readings that could be
used as evidence in your final essay. This assessment allows you to practise essential academic
skills: reading, notetaking, summarising and writing an annotated bibliography.
Task details:
Choose any two of the three core readings that we have explored in CUCIOO this semester
and, for each of your chosen two core readings:
Present a heading that is the readin s formal, complete and correct APA reference.
(See the APA referencing guide on the CDU library webpage.)
Write a 200 word summary paragraph that summarises and paraphrases the key
ideas and/or arguments in the core reading. (Use your own words; do not quote from
the reading.)
Write a 200 word commentary paragraph that links the core reading to your final
essay: First mention your chosen essay scenario and scope. Then, considering the core
readin s overall views and handling of sustainability, explain which ideas could be
useful to cite, and why, in making your essay more persuasive.
The assessment needs to be presented with the proper layout for annotated bibliographies,
which includes the core readings appearing in alphabetical order according to their authors’
last names. Remember to set up your Word document according to the formatting guidelines
(provided through the -Assessment Tasks- link in Learnline).
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CUCIOO Assessment 2: Annotated Bibliography
Please Note: The three core readings for CUCIOO can be downloaded for free from the
CUCIOO Learnline site under -Readings-. We will work on the summaries & commentaries for
each of the core readings in Weeks 3, 4 and 5. Then, in Week 6, we will demonstrate how an
annotated bibliography should be presented. Guidelines and examples of an annotated
bibliography are also provided in the Week 6 Learning Materials and Chapter 6 (p. 146) of our
textbook (Rolls & Wignell, 2015).
Points to consider for passing Assessment 2:
Follow the task guidelines above, as well as the guidelines for writing an annotated
bibliography as provided in our Week 6 Learning Materials. Refer to your textbook for
extra information, hints and tips on the appropriate structure.
Use formal academic style and third-person language in both your summary paragraph
and your commentary paragraph for each core reading.
Carefully follow correct referencing rules to present each core reading’s bibliographic
details as the heading for its section of your annotated bibliography. Up-to-date
guidelines for APA 6th edition referencing style are found on the CDU Library website:
Do not add a separate reference list at the end of your annotated bibliography. Also,
no in-text citations should appear anywhere in an annotated bibliography.
Remember that the sections of your annotated bibliography should be presented in
alphabetical order according to the surnames of the leading authors of the core
readings. So, the order of the core readings (as presented in Weeks 3, 4 and 5) is not
necessarily the order in which they should be appear for this assessment item.
Each section of your annotated bibliography should be approximately 400 words. This
should consist of your summary paragraph (approximately 200 words) and your
commentary paragraph (approximately 200 words).
The commentary (or ‘linking’) section of this assessment item is particularly difficult
because you are being asked to explicitly discuss which ideas and/or arguments of the
author(s) could apply to your chosen scenario. Ask yourself: how and why is this source
relevant to the chosen scenario? What information, sections, themes or examples
could support arguments in the final essay? Analysing and linking ideas across topics
and scenarios is a vital skill to develop at university for research in all areas of study.
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