Posted: September 1st, 2023
CUC107 Assessment 2: Critical Reflection on Readings 1000 – 1200 words
CUC107 Assessment 2: Critical Reflection on Readings
Value: 40%
Length: 1000 – 1200 words
Due: Monday, 11:59pm (CST), Week 8
Submit your assignment through the Assessment 2 ‘Critical Reflection’ link
in the ‘Assessment Submission’ area of Learnline by the due date. This assignment is submitted using SafeAssign. Save your Word document file with your name, unit name, and assessment number included (e.g. John Green CUC107 Assignment 2). Ensure you have your name, student number and page number in the footer of your document, and the title of the assignment in the header.
Task Overview:
Introduction: This task helps you to demonstrate your understanding of unit readings and concepts and how cultural self-awareness of influences on your culture can help you to be more culturally intelligent. Task: Write to critically reflect on how and why cultural self-awareness is important to develop cultural intelligence.
Task details:
You should define the terms ‘cultural self-awareness’ and ‘cultural intelligence’.
Consider their relationship to each other based on the readings from weeks 1-8.
Discuss how and why cultural self-awareness assists people to be more culturally intelligent.
Draw on your experiences to help illustrate key points made in at least four of the readings (weeks 1-8)
Preparation: Use the readings each week until week 8 to plot which 5 concepts you will write paragraphs on. This is available on learnline under ‘readings.’
Week Focus Reading Assessments and reading hints
Cultural Self-Awareness
1 Culture Spencer-Oatey, H. (2012). What is Culture?A compilation of quotations, GlobalPAD Core Concepts. Retrieved from:
Hypothesis Annotation activity for Spencer-Oatey here
Collates many ideas about ‘culture’. Read pages 1– 2 &16-17
2 Experience Russell, K.M. (2011). Growing up a third culture kid: A sociological self-exploration, Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge, 9(1), 29-42.
Hypothesis annotation activity link to Russel here
This is a critical reflection- use this style of writing for Assessment 2.
3 Knowledge Taipale, S. (2012). Mobility of cultures and knowledge management in contemporary Europe, European Review, 20(2),173-181. doi:10.1017/S1062798711000445
*Requires Library-enabled access thorugh portals and to publisher’s page, where you can download the PDF*
This Report’s Page 1-3 Helps us understand the idea of Knowledge Infrastructures Taipale discusses.
Think about what traditional and modern knowledge is.pp.173-178
4 Behaviour Spencer-Oatey (2012 p. 1– 2; 16-17) – as above What is culture?
CDU Graduate Attributes Annotation page
Cultural Intelligence
5 You and Culture Quappe & Cantatore (2005) What is cultural awareness, anyway? How do I build it? Retrieved from
Hypothesis annotation activity For Quappe and Cantatore here
Assess 1 Mindmap Due: Mon Wk 5
*Definition of Cultural Self- awareness
6 Cultural Difference Brislin, R., Worthley, R, & Macnab, B (2006). Cultural intelligence: Understanding behaviors that serve people’s goals. Group & Organization Management, 31(1), 40-55. doi:10.1177/1059601105275262
*Requires Library-enabled access through portals and to publisher’s page, where you can download the PDF*
*Definition of Cultural Intelligence
7 Culture Shock Flanja, D. (2009).Culture shock in intercultural communication. Studia Europaea, 54(4), 107-124.
* Requires Library-enabled access thorugh portals and to publisher’s page, where you can download the PDF*
Hypothesis annotation activity for Macionis, Walters and Kwok (2018) here.
*Culture shock stages and coping strategies
8 Cross-cultural Communication Get familiar with APA6th referencing
Look at the Equity Unbound web page here: LOTS of Resources and Clips
CDU Graduate Attributes Annotation page
Assess 2 Critical Reflection on Readings Due Mon Wk 8
As a reflection, we expect you to write in the first person when recounting examples from your experience. Therefore, you will be moving between third person (e.g. this paper showed that…) when you discuss the readings and first person (e.g. I recall that…) when you describe your experiences that illustrate the points being made in the readings.
Your reflection will require Referencing:
Ensure that all sources of ideas from the readings are correctly referenced in the text and in a reference list at the end of your critical reflection. See the referencing style guide and sample essay for APA6th available on the Charles Darwin University Library website.
You can submit two ways:
1. 5 paragraphs, each 200-250 words in length that critically reflect on concepts from at least four of the readings provided to you in weeks 1-8, INCLUDING cultural intelligence and self-awareness. You should relate each of the reading’s ideas to an experience or observation from your own life (like a reading journal).
2. A full essay with the elements Introduction etc listed below:
To successfully complete Assessment 2 as an essay, consider what a critical reflection is (see power-point presentation link in in the Assessment Tasks Overview table).
Your essay should have an introduction that includes the following information:
• Orientation – background information: putting the assessment task into your own words;
• A thesis statement/topic: an initial thesis statement introduces and anchors your argument or discussion expresses your viewpoint or stand on the subject;
• An outline of the structure of your reflection: the different parts or sections of the essay;
• Scope: This is optional. It may be appropriate to the reflection and outline the limits of the discussion.
Body paragraphs
• Your paragraphs must include a topic sentence, supporting sentences (theory and personal examples) and a concluding sentence (see paragraph example on next page).
• Integrate references into your points wherever possible.
• You should aim to have 4-6 paragraphs in the body of an essay of this length (not including the introduction or conclusion).
Ensure your conclusion does the following:
• Restate and qualify your thesis statement from your introduction.
• Provide a summary of the key points covered in the body of your reflection.
Before you submit:
• Read over your draft for grammar and spelling errors; do a ‘spell check’
• Checked your work against the assessment criteria;
• Made sure you have saved your file in the correct format (Word Doc) and with the correct file name (Name Unit Number Assignment number).
Paragraph Examples:
The following is an example of a paragraph taken from the Kate Russell paper that was covered in Week 2 (Russell, 2011, pp. 31-32). Notice the description (right-hand side) of each section of the paragraph.
I have come to realize the hyper-sensitivity to my surroundings that I experience is due, in large part, to the defining and redefining of the self I have experienced moving from place to place. According to Fail et al. (2004), an ever-changing environment can alter third culture kids’ perceptions of belonging and identity. While I would, perhaps, like to think that I have a strong sense of self that remains consistent no matter my surrounding, it is simply not the case. I am, as Goffman’s theory of symbolic interactionism posits, a product of social interaction in which, through an internal conversation, I interpret others’ responses to me and respond accordingly. The classic example of this that I have often experienced is the assumption that I am shy. People have often interpreted my initially taciturn nature as shyness and have reacted to me in ways that make me feel like a fragile creature. My quietness is often a result of assessing my new surrounding and, in turn, assigning meaning to the objects that I take in. …….However, now, as I integrate micro-sociological theories into my perspective, and with the benefit of hindsight, I can see how my quiet uncertainty was less of a personality trait and more of a reaction to the need to define the new situation and establish my identity in my new surroundings.
Topic sentence
Theoretical support
Reflection and explanation of how she defines and redefines herself
Re-stating the topic sentence with more information based on the example
Another example based on this topic
Cultural self-awareness (or the lack of) can be seen when people travel. For example, I was in my early twenties when I first travelled overseas to Indonesia. Like many young Australians, my first destination was Bali. At the Denpasar airport I overheard many Australian tourists complaining about an issue they considered very serious. “Why don’t they speak English here? You’d think in this day and age, everyone would.” One woman said loudly. Her friends wholeheartedly agreed as they tried to negotiate their way through the airport with signs in Bahasa Indonesia. There was no recognition that they were in a foreign country and shouldn’t just expect everyone to speak English wherever they went. Quappe and Cantatore (2005) would describe this as people in a ‘parochial stage’, where they think that their way is the only possible way. There was no evidence that they had made any effort to learn enough Bahasa Indonesia to get by in these situations. It seemed that they had no recognition that they should adjust themselves in some way Instead they expected everyone else to fit in with them. In this sense, they didn’t seem to have any cultural awareness or self-awareness and so were completing misreading the context and judging others unfairly because of that.
Topic sentence
Reflection and explanation of how the author saw the situation
Theoretical support
Re-stating the topic sentence with more information based on the example