Posted: March 5th, 2022
CSIA 350 Week 6 Market Demand for Cybersecurity Products Paper
CSIA 350 Week 6 Market Demand for Cybersecurity Products Paper
Failure to understand what drives customer demand in the cybersecurity market can result in a quick trip to bankruptcy court or a forced sale of a company. For this reason, product developers, service providers, and other types of vendors (e.g. resellers, systems developers, federal or state contractors, etc.) need to understand what drives current and future customer demands and requirements for technologies, products, and services. Once the relevant market factors are identified, companies can develop strategies for meeting current and future demands for products and services — figuring out what customers want to buy and then providing it at a profit.
One of the most commonly used sets of market factors is referred to as PEST. The four factors in this set are:
Political-Legal factors (e.g. laws & regulations — consider both current and proposed, cybercrime, cyber terrorism)
Economic factors (e.g. fines for non-compliance with laws or regulations, availability of trained workforce, profitability of purchasers, availability of venture capital or credit for business startups)
Socio-cultural factors (privacy concerns, pervasiveness of computers and digital devices, digital divide, “hacker” culture)
Technological factors (product lifecycles, cloud computing, Internet of Things, etc.)
In this activity, you will explore the 4 PEST factors. Look for information that explains why a company must identify and assess the impact these factors have or will have on the demand for IT security solutions (products or services). (Hint: GDPR is having a significant impact on two factors — political-legal and economic — for companies that do business in Europe.)
Paper for CSIA 350 Week 6 Market Demand for Cybersecurity Products
Paper for CSIA 350 Week 6 Market Demand for Cybersecurity Products
Failure to grasp what drives customer demand in the cybersecurity sector can lead to a speedy trip to bankruptcy court or the forced sale of a company. As a result, product developers, service providers, and other types of vendors (for example, resellers, systems developers, federal or state contractors, and so on) must understand what drives present and future client expectations and requirements for technology, goods, and services. Companies can establish strategies for addressing existing and future demands for products and services once the relevant market determinants have been recognized — determining what customers want to buy and then supplying it at a profit.
one among the most widely used