Posted: May 1st, 2022
CS6161: Health Informatics Applications – Assignment
Assignment: Healthcare Context
CS6161: Health Informatics Applications – Assignment
The form chosen by me is resident’s notes in the Nursing home. The visiting employees usually fill the paper-based form. They do not have access to the EPIC care software using in the Nursing Home now. The proposed system would allow the visiting employees to write the notes in the electronically in the EPIC care and access only given to write the notes in the system.
Part -1
The current system in our organisation is using electronic medical record called Epic care. Epic care is a sophisticated application that has been designed to perform most of the resident care activities that occur in the nursing home.
Usually the access to the epic care or epic care touch issued by the HR / Management. Primary entities are in the organisations are, the new employee, management and system admin. Staff administration system is a process. Details of the data flow here when new employee selected for the post in the organisation.
Administration staff has authority to approve user id for each new employee. They usually store the details of the new employee and request to system admin to create a user id for the worker, and they are the one who creates a user id for new hires and sends back to management staff. System admin is the one who gives access to Epic care depends on the designation. For instance, a nurse user id can access to clinical management, whereas Healthcare Assistant user id can only access to daily activities of the residents and management staff have access to the everything that electronic medical records contains.
A new employee is an originator of information of employee details and receipt of new user id for the access to the Epic care system in the organisation. The system will allow the registration of new employee into the organisation, after successful submission of user details, the system admin will give a unique user id and password for each new employee. An employee can login into the epic care and access to resident information and allow the new user to update. Information governance in our organisation placed by the CEO and director of nursing. They both write the policies for the company.
Administration staff has authority to approve user id for each new employee. They often store the details of the new employee and submit a request to the system administrator to generate a user id for the employee. They are also the ones that create user ids for new recruits and send them back to management staff to confirm their employment. The system administrator is the one who determines who has access to Epic care based on their classification. If a nurse has access to clinical management information, a Healthcare Assistant has access to merely the daily activities of the residents, whereas management employees have full access to all information included in electronic medical records, such as patient demographics and medication information.
They always provide a list of updated policies to all new and old employees to read and sign for the policies, information about policies given to each employee in a very well documented format. The limitations of the present system are visiting employees like Dietician, Speech and Language Therapist have no access to Epic care system. If we provide them with the user id and password like regular employees, they can access to all information of the residents. It would be data security and privacy matters since they are coming from outside to assess the residents.
The risks of this system include information security, attack on the networks, and equipment failure related to neglect. The limitations in the present Epic care system, visiting employee cannot write notes in the electronic medical record. Still, they need to write feedback on the paper. Planning to draw a new context diagram, top level DFD with a new proposed system which will help to visit employee to write notes in the Epic care and get access to the only resident’s records and update in the existing system which contribute to improving patient care.
Information security is one of the most recent problem everywhere in the field of technology. There are several advantages of advanced technology. Besides, there are many challenges associated with information security for the systems. The measures we can take that to tackle the issues include: making regular backup files and keep it in safe format documents for the further use. We must be protecting the organisation against viruses by running anti-viruses’ software. Also, using the firewalls can help the organisation to protect from the threats and cyber-attack by the hackers.
Furthermore, equipment failure would be the on another important issue since the software using in health care organisation. We can find the people with various ages and could not use the technology appropriately. Organising the training would help overcome such issues so that we can make sure that everyone in the organisation would be able to use system maximum. Moreover, the usability of the system must be readily available so that employees cloud learns easily. During training sessions, a trainer must address the enormous advantages of using new technology in the organisation. Physical security also one of the other security related issue, protection of the personal, hardware and networks. Any data from natural settings can damage organisation reputation enormously. So, the organisation must place CCTV surveillance, for the safety purpose of preventing vandalism of property and any of the thefts. Fire accident can tackle by the putting the fire extinguishers in appropriate place. Those measurements can help us to mitigate the many risks which associated with information security of any kind.