Posted: September 5th, 2023
CS 136 – Fall 2019 – Assignment 7 Paper
CS 136 – Fall 2019 – Assignment 7
Due Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 11pm.
Before every assignment, make sure you read the updated
Monitor the OFFICIAL A7 Piazza Post for any corrections,
updates, or frequently asked questions.
The assignment files are available here (they are also provided
in seashell).
The questions are listed in (approximate) course chronological
order, not necessarily in order of their difficulty or the amount
of effort required.
This assignment covers material in the notes up to Section 10-
19. You should read ahead in the notes if you wish to work on
this assignment before the material is covered in the lecture.
In this assignment, you must only use the C features covered in class
up to Section 10-19.
Question 0: Hand Marking
[10 marks correctness]
10 additional marks of this assignment will be hand marking. We will
not disclose which question(s) will be hand marked.
BLACK QUESTION (moderate collaboration allowed)
Question 1: First and Last
[10 marks correctness]
Write a program that reads in an arbitrary number of strings using
scanf(“%s”, ….) until EOF occurs. The maximum length of each
string in the input will be 99.
After reading in the strings, your program must simply print out the
string that lexicographically precedes all of the other strings and then
the string that lexicographically follows all of the other strings (each
string is followed by a newline).
If there are no strings in the input, your program should print “NO
STRINGSn”. If there is only one string, your program should print it
For this question, the marmoset basic tests (“public” tests) will use
the same simple test client provided.
BLACK QUESTION (moderate collaboration allowed)
Question 2: Mirror, Mirror…
[10 marks correctness]
Complete the mirror_mirror function in the main.c file provided.
For this question, the marmoset basic tests (“public” tests) will use
the same simple assertion client provided.
BLACK QUESTION (moderate collaboration allowed)
Question 3: User ADT
[10 marks correctness]
You must complete the user ADT as described in the user.h file
For this question, the marmoset basic tests (“public” tests) will use
the same simple assertion client provided.
GOLD QUESTION (no collaboration allowed)
Question 4: Set ADT
[25 marks correctness][5 marks efficiency]
You are to complete the implementation of a Set ADT.
Pro Tip: To achieve the running times specified in the interface, you
will want to use a sorted array to store the elements of a set. If you
do this, union, intersect and diff can be done in linear [O(n)] time. For
set_from_array, we have provided merge_sort.
Note: When allocating memory for your sets, your allocation may be
larger than necessary. For example, for the set_union function, you
may allocate the maximum amount for the new set (i.e., |s1| + |s2|),
even if this is not necessarily the final cardinality of the set.
For this question, the MARMOSET basic tests (“public” tests) will be
the same as the simple assertion test client (assert-test.c)
To help you with your assignment, we have also created an
interactive I/O test client for you (io-test.c). To understand
how to use this test client, look at set-io.h. We have created a that mimics most of what assert-test.c does.
GOLD QUESTION (no collaboration allowed)
Question 5: Speak Phonetically
[25 marks correctness] [5 marks efficiency]
Implement the functions in the speak module.
When speaking over noisy channels or in noisy environments, it is
often important to ensure there is no miscommunication.
For example, when communicating your postal code, an ‘E’ might
sound like a ‘G’. Instead, you can use the phonetic alphabet to say
“Echo” or “Golf” instead. Phonetic alphabets are designed with words
that are less likely to be misunderstood.
For this question, you will be provided an array of strings that
represent a phonetic alphabet. Each element of the array corresponds
to a character.
For example, the letter ‘A’ in ASCII is 65, so you can consult
alphabet[65] to obtain the string corresponding to ‘A’.
Pro tip: seashell nags you not to use characters as array indexes. If c
is a char, don’t use alphabet[c]. Instead, use int i = c; and then
If the corresponding array entry is NULL, then the character is
In speak_io, for each character in the string you must print out the
corresponding phonetic word followed by a space. At the end, the
value of alphabet[0] is printed (if it is not NULL) followed by a
newline. See the provided sample test as an example.
speak_str is similar to speak_io, but instead of printing, you must
generate a new string that contains the phonetic words. Note: like
speak_io, the string ends with alphabet[0], but there is no newline.
In speak_str you must first scan the message to determine the
length of string required to store the phonetic words, then generate a
new character array (string) of the correct size, and then fill in the
new array with the phonetic words.
In your implementation, justify the running time of your functions (as
For this question, the MARMOSET basic tests (“public” tests) will be
the same as the simple test provided. NOTE: for this question, there
are two separate test programs, but they use the same .in and
.expect files.