Posted: November 6th, 2022
CRKC7002 – Marketing Management
CRKC7002 – Marketing Management 2
Formative Assessment Brief 2
CRKC7002 – Marketing Management
Formative Assessment Brief
For the Formative Assessment, we shall be looking both for your ability to apply what we have covered so far and for your skills in writing an academic paper.
You first need to choose an organisation whose marketing you will study. It can be almost any kind of entity: your own company, a local private firm, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), a Not-for-Profit Organisation (NPO), an educational institution, or even a major corporation. It would, however, help if you knew it well.
The chosen organisation needs to respect the following criteria:
• to be an existing organisation whose correct name is used.
• to have competition, thereby excluding monopolistic entities.
• not to be Apple, Coca-Cola, or Safaricom (these have been chosen too often).
Consult the Presentation – Guidelines to Writing the Assessments – posted to the main tab of the course syllabus to get further guidance on the choice of organisation. This document will also give assistance on other matters related to writing the assessment.
With the chosen organisation in mind, now briefly analyse the application of the following marketing concepts to it:
• Marketing Mix
• Differentiation and Competitive Advantage
• Coping with Commoditisation (+Total Product and Solution offering)
• Segmentation
The target length for the Formative Assessment is 1,000 words +/-10%. A fully developed paper will be for the final, where the analyses are expected to be more detailed.
You will get feedback on your paper from us, which you should use to develop the final assessment. The paper will not, however, be given a mark as it will not explicitly be part of your overall grade.
Please be sure to consult the following video and documents, all posted in the syllabus:
• Writing Academic Papers. See the Main Unit for the Video by Dr. Damary.
• Points about English. See the Main Unit for this short document.
• Guidelines on Writing the Assessments. See the Main Unit, Unit 3, and Unit 8 for this presentation.