Posted: September 1st, 2023
Critical thinking Vs. Reasoning
Discuss what is the difference between critical thinking and reasoning? What is the distinction between Deductive and Inductive arguments? Give some examples to make your explanation clear. What is the difference between a premise and a conclusion?.( write 3-4 pages,+ reference page, follow APA manual for paper format and reference page.
Critical thinking Vs. Reasoning
Critical thinking and reasoning are two different concepts although the bases of their definition rely on similar fundamental concepts of knowledge. Critical thinking, on one end, refers to the process of objectively analyzing a unique issue so that judgment relating to the matter can be formulated (Alfaro-LeFevre, 2015). In other terms, critical thinking is encompassed by evaluation processes that are objective so that dynamics to an issue can be extensively dissected to come up with the judgment that is reasonable. Therefore, the uniqueness of critical thinking comes about because it implores logic and thought processes that are well-defined/structured. The concept or rather the basis behind critical thinking is founded on the need to develop individual attitudes towards issues rather than accepting arguments and conclusions as they are presented. Other definitive aspects that differentiate critical thinking from reasoning is that it is made of skill such as analysis, information seeking, applying thinking standards, as well as the use of logic in reasoning (Sommers, 2018). An example of critical thinking assignment is when a nurse is faced by a dilemma relating to the case of a patient that has multiple infections. The dilemma that is presented is which treatment procedure is to be adopted and how the rest should follow. Critical thinking comes in handy as the nurse applies knowledge gained from experience to make a judgment on the best order of administering the treatment processes. On the contrary, reasoning employs consciousness and logic as the main tools of analysis and evaluation. In the process of reasoning, data that is at hand is verified through logic analysis of facts, justification of practices, as well as changing beliefs (Sommers, 2018). The basis of reasoning is on information that exists. Thus, the concept of reasoning differs from critical thinking in that it relies on that exists and does not allow projections to be made. On the other hand, critical thinking accommodates projections as thought-processes are influenced by personal beliefs. All the same, the basis of reasoning centers on thinking, cognition, as well as intellect. An example of reasoning is when it is applied in mathematics. It follows that intuition is employed as part of the creative process by a mathematician to get the formal proof relating to the problem at hand.
Deductive arguments Vs. Inductive arguments
Deductive arguments differ from inductive arguments in that they apply different concepts in the lines of argument that they take up. As much as both inductive arguments and deductive arguments rely on premises to infer on the stands thy project, premises can also be used as one of the defining features about each of them. Deductive arguments, on one end, refer to arguments in which the premises serve as the guarantee of the assertion that is made at the conclusion of the dissension (Hitchcock, & Goddu, 2017). Therefore, the characteristic of deductive arguments is that they rely on statements which are known to be true or rather assumed to be true as the premises of the arguments. Conclusions that are made from such arguments are based on the statements that serve as the premises. The widely known argument that is a classic is the one relating to antiquity. In this example of a deductive argument, it dictates that all men are mortal. Since all men are mortal, which is the premise of the argument, the conclusion that is made is that Socrates is mortal. The conclusion is made basing on the argument that Socrates is a man and all men are mortal.
On the contrary, inductive argument refers to arguments that the premises are used as the basis of the probable reasons that support the conclusion (Hitchcock, & Goddu, 2017). In other terms, the premises are basically an inference of the conclusion that has been made by the argument (Hitchcock, & Goddu, 2017). Thus, the premise is the determinant factor for the truth that has been presented by the conclusion (Govier, 2018). It is unlikely that the conclusions of an argument are false if the premises leading to the conclusions are true. In other terms, the premises serve as the basis of the truth that is represented by the conclusion. The major difference between these two forms of arguments is that in deductive arguments the conclusions are guaranteed by the premises while in inductive arguments the conclusions are inferred and implied by the premises (Govier, 2018). An example of an inductive argument applies to the case of a bag containing coins. When one pulls the first and the second coin and finds out that it is a penny then the third coin pulled out of the bag will be a penny. This conclusion is only inferred and the premise does not offer irrefutable evidence.
Premise Vs. Conclusion
One of the ways through which the difference between premise and conclusion can be created is basing on their definitions. Premises can be understood as statements as well as assertions that are made in the case of an argument (Campbell, 2018). Therefore, they are reasoning and thoughts that have been developed and held by the arguer which serves the purpose of supporting the conclusion. Without premises, then conclusions cannot be made as they will not have a foundation (Campbell, 2018). Conclusions, on the contrary, refer to statements that are made at the end of an argument which indicate the main point of the arguments. In other terms, conclusions are the objectives of the premises that are captured. Moreover, another factor that can be used to differentiate conclusions from premises is how they appear in arguments. Premises come earlier on in arguments as they are used to allow readers to understand the process leading to the main ideas that are addressed. Therefore, premises exist earlier on in arguments. On the other hand, conclusions appear later in the latter sections of arguments (Parfit, 2016). They represent the main points of the arguments and they are proven by the premises that are why they appear further in dissensions. Lastly, there can only be one conclusion in an argument while there can be more than one premise in a single argument (Parfit, 2016). An example of the premise is that most African-American identify with the Democratic Party in the United States. Therefore, this statement means that most blacks are Democrats as they are supporters and members of the Democratic Party. The usefulness of this premise is that it can serve to create a conclusion. An example of a conclusion relating to this premise is that all African-Americans are members of the Democratic Party and supporters of the party as well. It is, however, fair to note, that these examples apply to the case of an inductive argument.
Alfaro-LeFevre, R. (2015). Critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment: A practical approach. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Campbell, R. (2018). The Transition to the Second Stage: Deducing its Premise. In Rethinking Anselm’s Arguments (pp. 143-159). BRILL.
Govier, T. (2018). Problems in argument analysis and evaluation (Vol. 6). University of Windsor.
Hitchcock, D., & GODDU, G. (2017). On Reasoning and Argument. Dordrecht: Springer.
Parfit, D. (2016). Can we avoid the repugnant conclusion?. Theoria, 82(2), 110-127.
Sommers, C. L. (2018). Measurement of critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment in culturally diverse nursing students–A literature review. Nurse education in practice.