Posted: September 5th, 2023
Critical Analysis Essay
Word Count: 700 words
Due Date: April 11
Assignment Description: Choose from one of the documentaries below. Watch the documentary and write an essay outlining the film’s argument. While watching the movie, keep in mind the following: how do you feel about what you are watching? What do you agree/disagree with? Can you identify with the situation? How do the filmmakers form their argument? What do they say to their detractors? What lends credibility to their argument?
Choose one of the following documentaries:
Documenting Hate: Charlottesville (PBS Frontline)
The True Cost
Hate Crimes in the Heartland
*Oldies but Goodies:
Food, Inc.
Walmart: The High Price of Low Cost
The Last Word (directed by Jesse Quackenbush)
You will find these movies on Netflix, Amazon Instant View and YouTube.
What I’m looking for:
What is the hook and how does it frame the film’s argument?
How do the filmmakers introduce their topic?
What is the film’s thesis?
How do the filmmakers transition their topics?
How do the filmmakers use ethos, pathos, and logos to strengthen their argument?
What does the film say to detractors?
How do the filmmakers conclude their argument?
What is the feeling the film leaves you with?