Theater, film, and television I need 1) a list of all the US unions that represent workers in theater, film, and television. 2) links to the websites of each of those unions. 3) Complete list of the jobs each union represents for example, I know the DGA represents directors, but most people don’t know they […]
Role of computer technology on 2018 midterm election Open statement The application of computer technology in the electoral process has elicited both interest and concern among the electorate, and professionals across the world. Currently, a majority of the electoral body managements around the globe utilize computer technologies with the purpose of enhancing the electoral process […]
Social Work Law The law protects the rights of every citizen. However, when these rights conflict, someone’s rights must be constrained to protect the other individual (Citizens Advice, 2018). According to Davies (2018), the case of Isaiah Haastrup, highlights the complications that can surface when doctors and parents have differing views about medical decisions for […]
Global Perspective Assignment QA I believe that globalization is an important factor for this project’s success. CRM mainly focuses on creating long-term relationships with clients; globalization serves to enhance this experience. Globalization has changed the world into a global village, and augmented its interconnectivity via the help of the internet (Osterhammel & Petersson, 2009). As […]
Literature evaluation and critique of STP Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning in strategic Marketing Instructions 1. Read the uploaded files FULLY and Completely before starting the assignment 2.Try to not write simple destructive or summarization of the reviewed articles, there should be sound critique such as: • Briefly define and contrast the 3 concepts then… • […]
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A MOST SIGNIFICANT NUMBER: Powers of Two and Their Decimal Digits A MOST SIGNIFICANT PROJECT Powers of Two and Their Decimal Digits Background and Inquiry. Enumerated the first few powers of the number 2: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, . . . and ponder: which digits can occur as the most significant digits […]
Instructions Regarding the following historical problem found in your assigned readings for this week: What were the causes of the Great Depression? What did it look like from the vantage point of ordinary Americans and politicians? What exactly caused the Great Depression? What did it look like from the perspective of average Americans and politicians?
During the period 1730-1850, was religion more of unifying force (bringing diverse groups of Americans together) or a disunifying force (creating conflict) Use materials from Unit Two to answer the following question: During the period 1730-1850, was religion more of unifying force (bringing diverse groups of Americans together) or a disunifying force (creating conflict)? Explain […]
Expanding and Organizing Ideas This assignment has multiple steps involving two sections — one on expanding your draft and the other involving a writing technique called a reverse outline that you’ll conduct to help you organize or fill in parts of your draft. Read the instructions carefully, and complete all steps in the order listed. […]