Posted: February 24th, 2022
Cover Letter
Writing an Effective Cover Letter
Cover letter should be 1 page
Do not use any online templates!
Use the block format & a block format, 3 paragraph letter
(Applying for an internship this summer @ Recovery Center of America, it’s a Human Resource
Position: they all addict to recover, provides them with resources after so they can stay sober.
All cover letters contain the same information. Whether you follow our Career Center’s instruction, guidance from a job search engine, or our Writing Advantage Kit (Franklin Covey) OR the T-model for cover letters, they all request the same content. What differs is the way that you format it
Choose one of the following job or internship postings to tailor your cover letter
Dental Office Administrator Download Dental Office Administrator
a block format, 3 paragraph letter.
Karen’s Cover Letter presentation Download presentation or strategized formatting? Here is an example of a T Model cover letter Download example of a T Model cover letter and the job posting Download job posting it was written for.
4. write a cover letter, either to acquire a specific internship this semester or to the employer of your (entry-level) “dream job” OR “dream internship.” This “dream job” or “dream internship” is the same job or internship that you utilized when you created your resume! Your cover letter should be 1 page. Use language in your cover letter that mirrors the keywords used in the ad or job/internship announcement that explains how you will meet the employer’s needs.