Posted: September 5th, 2023
Counselor Impairment
Please reference and APA format
see attached file
In more recent years, the American Counseling Association (ACA) has recognized that professional counselors, like all helping professions, are at a higher risk for burnout, vicarious trauma, and impairment.
Read the article titled “Preventing Counselor Impairment: Vulnerability, Wellness, and Resilience” in the Module/Week 6 Reading & Study folder.
Write a 3–4-page paper on counselor impairment making sure to properly cite within your paper all sources you consult for information in current APA format. Your paper must be in current APA format (including a running head, title page, abstract, and reference page). The abstract must provide a brief, but detailed, overview of the paper in 150–250 words. The title page, abstract, and reference page do not contribute toward the page requirement.
Your paper must be divided into the headings listed below.
• Definition
o How is impairment defined within the counseling profession?
• Incidence
o What is the incidence of impairment among the professional counseling community?
• Characteristics
o What are the signs and symptoms of counselor impairment?
• Risk Factors
o What risk factors make counselors vulnerable to the development of impairment