Posted: February 21st, 2022
COSC 1 Dis
Unit Discussions
Dr. Adriana Badulescu
Unit Discussions
▪ For discussions, you need to submit/post one original
initial post discussing a topic from the unit and
submit/post two response posts during the response
▪ You need to follow the class netiquette. You will lose
points for breaking the netiquette.
▪ Do not share solutions to assignments or other
evaluations in your posts. You are going to lose points.
▪ No late submissions will be accepted.
▪ Post early to not lose the preferred topic and give the
other students enough time to respond.
Dr. Adriana Badulescu COSC2436 Programming Fundamentals III 2
Unit Discussions
Discussion Unit Chapters/Topics
Discussion 1 Chapters 18, 19, 20, and 21
Discussion 2 Chapters 22, 23, and 24
Discussion 3 Chapters 25, 25, 27, and 28
Dr. Adriana Badulescu COSC2436 Programming Fundamentals III 3
Initial Posts
▪ The initial post should summarize a subtopic/section from the Unit
▪ Create a new thread containing the name of the topic/subtopic,
the Chapter, location/page/section number in course textbook,
and location/slide number/page in the Chapter presentation PDF
in the thread subject/title
▪ The post body/message should have a minimum 300 words.
▪ The post should be original and should not cover any previously
posted topics. You are not going to earn any credit for duplicated
Dr. Adriana Badulescu COSC2436 Programming Fundamentals III 4
Initial Posts
▪ To find the topic in the Textbook:
▪ Go to the course eCampus Textbook and Software
menu to Course Textbook
Dr. Adriana Badulescu COSC2436 Programming Fundamentals III 5
Initial Posts
▪ Go to the Table of Contents, find the Chapter and find
the subtopic in the book
Dr. Adriana Badulescu COSC2436 Programming Fundamentals III 6
Initial Posts
▪ For example, if I want to talk about the first subtopic in the book
which is about using recursion for computing factorials, in the
textbook, I am going to go to the Chapter 18 and find the
subtopic, which is in section “18.2 Case Study: Computing
Dr. Adriana Badulescu COSC2436 Programming Fundamentals III 7
▪ Chapter is Chapter
▪ Section is 18.2
▪ Name is “Case Study:
Computing Factorials“
▪ Page is 721
Initial Posts
▪ To find the topic in the chapter presentation
▪ Open the Unit, find the Reading Assignment and
Practice Exercise for the Unit and open the
ChapterX.pdf where X is the chapter number
▪ Find your subtopic
Dr. Adriana Badulescu COSC2436 Programming Fundamentals III 8
Initial Posts
▪ For the example, I am going to go to eCampus and
open the Chapter18.pdf presentation under Unit 1,
and the subtopic is on slide 4.
Dr. Adriana Badulescu COSC2436 Programming Fundamentals III 9
Initial Posts
▪ Thus, for the example, I am going to name the Initial Post:
“Case Study: Computing Factorials – Chapter 18 – Textbook
Section 18-2 – Page 721 – Presentation Slide 3”
▪ Then make a minimum 300 words post in which I summarize
in my own words what is factorial, what is recursion, why
should I use recursion for factorial, how would the code
would look like, explain how would it work, why using
recursion is better/worse that other methods.
Dr. Adriana Badulescu COSC2436 Programming Fundamentals III 10
Initial Posts
▪ To post the discussion initial post
▪ Open the discussion
▪ Read the current thread subjects and make sure the subtopic
was not posted already
▪ Click Create Thread to create a new thread for your post
Dr. Adriana Badulescu COSC2436 Programming Fundamentals III 11
Initial Posts
▪ Enter the Thread Subject/Title, Thread Message/Body
and click Submit to submit your post
Dr. Adriana Badulescu COSC2436 Programming Fundamentals III 12
Initial Posts
▪ After you submit your post, you are going to
see your post on top of the Discussion
▪ If you see a post with the same topic below
(posted before you), you need to post a new
Dr. Adriana Badulescu COSC2436 Programming Fundamentals III 13
Response Posts
▪ The response posts should add more
information about the topic, ask questions,
politely debate statements from the initial
posts, respond to questions.
▪ Reply inside the thread and quote the original
post you respond to.
Dr. Adriana Badulescu COSC2436 Programming Fundamentals III 14
Response Posts
▪ Click on the Initial Post thread to respond
▪ This will open the original thread
Dr. Adriana Badulescu COSC2436 Programming Fundamentals III 15
Response Posts
Dr. Adriana Badulescu COSC2436 Programming Fundamentals III 16
▪ When you hover/move the mouse over the button
Reply, you are going to see the Quote button
▪ Click on Quote button to start your response
▪ Note: If you need to edit your own post, this is where
you can find the Edit option
Response Posts
▪ Enter your response in the Thread Message/Body and
click Submit to post your response
Dr. Adriana Badulescu COSC2436 Programming Fundamentals III 17
Discussions in the Unit
Unit Discussions with Dr. Adriana Badulescu
For discussions, you must submit/post one original initial post discussing a unit topic and two response posts throughout the response time.
You must observe proper netiquette in class. You will lose points if you violate netiquette.
Do not include assignment solutions or other evaluations in your posts. You’re going to lose some points.
Late entries will not be accepted.
Post early to avoid losing the selected topic and to allow ample time for other students to respond.
Adriana Badulescu, Ph.D. COSC2436 Unit Discussions for Programming Fundamentals III
Chapters/Topics of the Discussion Unit
Discussion I: Chapters 18, 19, 20, and 21 Discussion II: Chapters 22, 23, and 24
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