Posted: August 10th, 2022
Convoy of Hope
Convoy of Hope
I. Purpose of your Report
The purpose of the accessibility report is to test the Convoy of Hope website. This nonprofit website focuses on catering to the well-being of individuals, especially the provision of freedom, eradication of poverty, ending hunger, and looking for the treatment of certain diseases. The reports focus on the convoy of hope website because it is a website with content that can be accessed, hence necessary assisting human evaluation of web content and direct readers, hence preventing them from being overwhelmed. When searching for content (Mermel, 2017).
The best part about the convoy of hope website is that the website has been very impactful in helping vulnerable people during the pandemic. The website has been among the top websites that have been working on raising money during the difficult time through fundraising for corona-virus relief, which seeks help to fight the pandemic and impacts of the pandemic, such as economic downfall.
II. Summary of the nonprofit and its website.
The convey of hope is a nonprofit organization that works on catering to the needs of the people, especially the vulnerable and people facing life challenges. Over the years, the organization has assisted more than eighty million people worldwide by providing some services. The type of services provided includes food and water sharing, emergency supplies, provision of opportunities that cater to the youth, and people who live independent lives and eradicate poverty (Mermel, 2017). Through the designed website, the convoy of hope organization partners with other organizations and institutions, such as humanitarian organizations, churches, and businesses. The collaborations assist in women empowerment, rural initiatives, provision of disaster services, and community event development.
The website assists in reaching millions of people that are affected by both natural and human-made disasters each year. The convoy of hope websites the primary purpose is to disseminate information concerning the mission, aims, and objectives of the websites through “about us”, which consist of information such as our beginning, which is a brief history of the organization, the mission, and how the organization assists people. For instance, the website provides information on how the organization reaches millions of people, such as through engagements, growth, nourishment, response, partnership, and caring (Mermel, 2017). The website also consists of icons that promote donations, give and volunteer to the society, news, and stories. Apart from about us, the website consists of information, such as contact us, driving team, privacy policies, and brand standards. The information assists in directing people who need to donate, especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic, such as the address. The convoy of hope has more roles and responsibilities, for instance, event development, donation, women empowerment, career development, volunteering, and building kits. The website has assisted in distributing more than one million meals during the COVID-19 and the deployment of relief to Taxes.
iii. Summary and interpretation of the results of testing your website with WAVE,
Through the wave web accessibility evaluation tool, the Convoy of Hope website has a number of issues, for instance, seventy-seven contrast errors, eight errors, twenty-five alerts, fifty-five structural elements, and thirty features. The website has several information and details missing, such as lack of alternative texts, redundancy use of invalid, and missing language. The number of contrast errors is serious and affect a number of users (Mermel, 2017). Also, redundant alternative texts and images from the same alternative texts are identified from the test. Redundancy is an issue that has affected the accessibility of content in the website, for instance, the skipped heading levels, the redundant link, and non-script elements. Redundancy means that the image texts are similar to the nearby texts.
The alternative texts identified from the convoy of hope most are empty and null, while some linked images have alternative texts. Fifty-five structural are discovered from the website, such as unordered list, footer, and inline frame. Shallow contrast is used, which is discovered between the texts and background. Low contrast is an issue, especially to users and audiences with low vision (Mermel, 2017). However, the text must have a background color, which still provides enough contrast when the image is unavailable. Wave, however, does not identify contrast issues in texts that consist of filters and transparency.
IV.Suggestions for how to address significant accessibility problems (include at least one suggestion for alternative text of an image)
The convoy of hope website can address the issues identified through several solutions. First, the contrast issue can be addressed by increasing the contrast between texts and paragraphs and foreground color. Second, the small texts require high contrast compared to the significant texts; hence the website should consist of more extensive texts to avoid minor text issues, which contradict the contrast level.
Additionally, images with no alternative texts are considered empty links because a link must consist of alternative texts. Additional alternative texts are the best way to address the issue, especially in presenting the content in images. The missing form issue can be addressed using a visible label, a descriptive title attribute to the form control, or referencing the label. In the case of a missing language or invalid language, the use of language identifier is fundamental through attribute. Redundancy can be avoided by changing the alternative texts, such as using null alternative texts, and a single link should represent linked images texts. Removing unnecessarily redundancy; plays a vital role in preventing having the same alternative texts between two images. Restructuring headings can be a solution for skipped heading levels.
V. Conclusion
The website accessibility test is a significant type of test in evaluating the accessibility of content in a website, making it easier for users. The wave date test is the most used type of evaluation method that assesses the accessibility of a website, such as the convoy of hope website, a nonprofit website. The convoy of hope website is a very functional website that focuses on providing services that improve and promote the well-being of individuals, such as food distribution or services emergency. The website, however, assists in reaching thousands of people suffering across the world, especially during the pandemic. The convoy of hope is a very impactful website but consists of issue s that affect the accessibility of content, hence making it not adequate for users. For instance, the website experiences redundancies, missing alternative texts, missing language, contrast errors, have image missing alternatives, redundant links, skipped heading level, and several non-script elements. However, the issue can be addressed through the mentioned solutions, for instance, eliminating unnecessary redundancy, use of significant texts, and adjustment of contrast for people with poor vision.
Mermel, L. A. (2017). My Mentor. Severe Maternal Morbidity, 612, 233.