Posted: October 24th, 2022
Context of Healthcare Policies
AHS205 The Australian Healthcare System within a Global Context
Assessment Poster report: Context of Healthcare Policies
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Assessment Task
In this assessment, you will investigate and discuss the influence of policies on the
provision of healthcare. This information will be presented in a poster format.
Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Healthcare services, regardless of who delivers them (government, non-government or private
individuals and organisations) are influenced by politics and the societies within which they operate.
Politics and societal expectations determine the health care priorities, policies, funding and delivery
of healthcare services. As a health professional comprehending the context of your work and
employment, and its influence on the provision of healthcare services, is of paramount importance.
Choose one (1) of the following health policies for discussion:
• National Disability Strategy
Subject Code and Title AHS205 The Australian Healthcare System within a Global Context
Assessment Poster report: Context of Healthcare Policies
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1,250 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful
completion of the task below are outlined at the bottom of this
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday of module 4.2 (week 8).
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
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You will visually present an analysis of your chosen health policy in poster format.
Title: Choose a title that reflects the content of your poster.
Discuss the following in relation to your chosen health policy:
1. Provide an overview of context/background of the topic and purpose of the public policy as
an introduction
2. Identify the key ‘players’ or stakeholders who influence decisions for the policy and briefly
describe their roles in the sector.
2. Identify 2-3 current health service challenges and/or problems in thissector?
3. Identify which challenges or problems this policy addresses and how these are addressed?
4. How might the current policy (and related healthcare services) impact 2 social determinants
of health for someone with this health issue within this sector? (For example, how does the
policy affect the social determinants of health for someone with a disability, or someone
living in an aged care facility?)
Conclusion: Summarise your main points about how your health policy influences the provision
of healthcare services.
Read ‘Creating an Academic Poster’ for more instructions on developing a poster. There are also
templates available for you to use, these are optional.
Referencing For more information on creating a poster, see ‘Creating an Academic Poster.’ There are also templates available for use, but they are not required.
A minimum of six references are required. It is critical that you use proper APA style for
referencing and citing research Please see the Academic Skills section for more information on referencing.
A minimum of six references should be included. It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for
citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing in the Academic Skills
Submission Instructions
Submit your assessment task via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in AHS205 The
Australian Healthcare System within a Global Context. The learning facilitator will provide feedback
via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately
referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need
to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure
and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
Special Consideration
To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or exam due to unexpected or
extenuating circumstances, please consult the Assessment Policy for Higher Education Coursework
and ELICOS and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completed Application for Assessment
Special Consideration Form to your Learning Facilitator.
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Assessment Rubric
(Yet to achieve
minimum standard)
High Distinction
Policy identification
Knowledge and
understanding of policy,
including the key
players, current
challenges and how this
policy impacts the social
determinants of health
Limited understanding of
the identified public
policy, its key players, the
challenges associated with
the current health system
and how the current
healthcare service and
policy impacts social
determinants of health.
Basic knowledge or
understanding the identified
public policy, its key players,
the challenges associated
with the current health
system and how the current
healthcare service and policy
impacts social determinants
of health.
Does not always clarify
personal view versus
academic sources.
Thorough knowledge and
understanding of the
identified public policy, its
key players, the challenges
associated with the current
health system and how the
current healthcare service
and policy impacts social
determinants of health.
Clearly explains and applies
relevant concepts.
Identifies personal opinion
and information that is
substantiates with
academic sources.
Highly developed
understanding the
identified public policy, its
key players, the challenges
associated with the current
health system and how the
current healthcare service
and policy impacts social
determinants of health.
Well demonstrated capacity
to explain and apply
relevant concepts.
Discriminates between
personal opinion and
information substantiated
by significant evidence from
academic sources.
A sophisticated
understanding of the
identified public policy, its
key players, the challenges
associated with the current
health system and how the
current healthcare service
and policy impacts social
determinants of health.
Mastery of concepts and
application to example
Discriminates between
personal opinion and
information substantiated
by significant evidence
from academic sources.
AHS205_Assessment_2_Poster report_Module 4.2 Page 4 of 5
Critical thought,
approach and analysis
Research, analysis and
application with
synthesis of new
Limited research,
synthesis and analysis of
the chosen healthcare
service policy.
Confuses logic and
taken from reliable
sources but without a
coherent analysis or
Viewpoints of experts are
taken as fact with little
Adequate research and
demonstrated basic analysis
of the findings and synthesis
of new
knowledge about the
influences on healthcare
service policy.
Often conflates/confuses
assertion of personal opinion
with information
substantiated by evidence
from the research/course
Sound research and well developed analysis of the
Well-developed synthesis of
new knowledge about the
influences on healthcare
service policy.
Demonstrates a capacity to
explain and apply relevant
Questions viewpoints of
Thoroughly researched and
analysis of the information
on the health care service
Advanced interpretation of
information and application
to the healthcare policy
Shows growing intellectual
independence, rigor and
judgement when selecting
evidence to use.
Advanced research and
sophisticated analysis of
the healthcare policy.
Highly developed
interpretation of
information and application
to the healthcare policy
Exhibits intellectual
independence, rigor, and
good judgement when
selecting evidence to use.
Visual appeal and
presentation of content
The poster requires
significant improvement
in design, colour choice,
layout, neatness,
organisation and flow of
Few of the required elements
are organised and well placed
although there is an attempt
to use one of the templates
provided Communicates
some of the key information.
Most of the required
elements are presented and
well placed. The poster
demonstrates an
acceptable layout that
supports the flow of
All of the required
elements are presented and
well placed. The poster has
a good layout that supports
the flow of information.
The poster has an excellent
design and layout which
supports the flow of
information and all of the
required elements are well
placed and clearly defined.
Use of academic and
discipline conventions.
Spelling, grammar,
sentence construction,
Poorly written with errors
in spelling and grammar.
Poorly formatted
Summarises information and
has accurate spelling,
grammar, sentence and
paragraph construction.
Adequately written to
present information clearly
and succinctly.
Well-written and presents
key information clearly and
Expertly written and in
clear and succinct language
to inform a reader of the
key concepts.
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appropriate use of
credible resources,
Correct citation of key
resources using APA
style of referencing
inconsistent use of good
quality, credible and
relevant resources to
support and develop ideas
APA citations and
referencing are omitted or
incorrectly addressed.
Demonstrates use of credible
and relevant resources to
support and develop ideas,
but these are not always
explicit or well developed.
APA citations and referencing
are basic, with frequent or
repeated errors
Demonstrates use of
credible resources to
support and develop ideas.
APA citations and
referencing are adequate,
with occasional errors
Demonstrates use of good
quality, credible and
relevant resources to
substantiate content.
Shows evidence of wide
Applies APA referencing
techniques with no errors
Demonstrates use of high quality, credible and
relevant resources to
substantiate content.
Shows evidence of wide
reading and ability to
integrate different sources.
Applies APA referencing
techniques with no errors.
The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO a) Explain key features of health and social care systems impacting on nursing and health service delivery and practice; including global
trends and demographic factors.
SLO c)
Explain the role of key factors influencing the design, delivery, operation and access of health care systems; including politics, culture,
ideologies, policy, resources and funding.
SLO d)
Describe local and global issues which affect the sustainability and management of healthcare systems; including a
demonstrated understanding of the sustainable development goals.
SLO e)
Demonstrate understanding of universal health coverage and health financing; including equity in access to health services, quality in
health services and protection against financial risk in accessing health services.