Posted: October 24th, 2022
Consultation Background information
Reflection Domain 1: Consultation Background information, reflection essay and supporting article or guideline
Domain 1 -The Consultation dimensions1-6 from RPS – A Competency Framework for all Prescribers competencies framework sept 2021
Level 7 -1000 words (does not include background or references)•
Reflect on an episode of care, something you were involved in or observed-
•Include how your supporting article / guideline or research you have included in your portfolio has facilitated you to develop your clinical practice in relation to the competency domain. Include how the supporting article/guideline/research in your portfolio has aided you in developing your clinical practice in connection to the competency domain.
•Must be written in 1stperson
•Headings –‘Background’ and ‘Reflection
’•Background should include (200 words)
:•Clinical area and background
•What reflection you are choosing and why
•Reflective model used
•Chosen supporting article
•The competencies related to this reflection
•Reference your chosen article throughout your reflection but also use other primary sources to support it
•Ensurebci it is referenced correctly