Posted: April 20th, 2022
Conduct research for the creation of a slideshow on the tectonic evolution
1. Conduct research for the creation of a slideshow on the tectonic evolution of North America through the Mesozoic Era. Include the following:
Major orogenic and other significant tectonic events,
Evidence in the rock record for each event,
Paleogeographic interpretations for North America during this time,
Observations/evidence that support these paleogeographic interpretations.
2. Create a slideshow. You may use PowerPoint, Google Slides, Apple’s Keynote, or Open Office’s Impress but you must save your presentation as a .pdf for ease of grading. Use the program’s “Save as” or “Export” feature to complete this. Other slideshow requirements include:
Citations. In-text parenthetical citations and a work cited slide at the end of the presentation are required. Please follow APA or MLA format and include URLs in the work cited slide. Try to limit your sources. You should be able to conduct most of your research using the textbook.
Paraphrase. Limit the use of direct quotes and remember to paraphrase your sources. Do not copy from the textbook or any other source.
Images. Illustrate your presentation with relevant imagery and maps. The art work from your textbook has been provided to help with this. It is located below in the resources section.
Research from number 1 above. While this is a slideshow, you still need to explain and use details in your answers. Don’t be afraid to write full sentences or paragraphs when needed.
1. Conduct research for a slideshow about the tectonic evolution of North America during the Mesozoic Era. Include the following items:
Significant orogenic and other tectonic events,
For each event, there is evidence in the rock record.
During this time period, paleogeographic interpretations for North America,
Observations/evidence to back up these paleogeographic interpretations.
2. Produce a slideshow. You may use PowerPoint, Google Slides, Apple’s Keynote, or Open Office’s Impress, but your presentation must be saved as a.pdf for easy grading. To finish, use the program’s “Save as” or “Export” functions. Other requirements for a slideshow include:
Citations. In-text parenthetical citations are required, as is a work cited slide at the end of the presentation. Please use APA or MLA formatting and include URLs in your work.