Posted: February 28th, 2022
Concepts functions management
MGT 3340 Final Project
Both items below will be worth 100 points to your final project grade:
Media Deliverable
Your media deliverable will be a PowerPoint. In this area, you will prepare a short presentation on your researched organization. You will provide a concise history, two management themes about this organization you have found interesting and a SWOT analysis. Hint: Use your research papers as basis for the media (don’t forget to use APA style in any areas needed).
FInal Paper
Compose a final comprehensive paper on your organization (no less than 6 pages, excluding abstract and reference). Include a history, SWOT analysis, three themes you found exist in your organization and your final analysis of management. You MUST not just resubmit your previous work. Look over what you have previously submitted and update, as needed. APA style is required to include abstract, internal citations and References properly formatted. Any assignments submitted without APA style will earn a failing grade.
**** Note: This is the submission of two items – a media item and a paper. Please make sure both are uploaded. ***