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Posted: July 16th, 2023

COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures

The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
Curtin University is committed to supporting all our students and staff whether they are on campus, working
remotely or overseas. Your health, safety and wellbeing are our priority and the continuing COVID-19 pandemic
may require changes to the unit schedule, learning activities, delivery modes and assessment to provide flexible
and safe options to our community. Curtin will endeavour to keep changes and disruptions to a minimum at all
times. For current advice and further information visit https://www.curtin.edu.au/novel-coronavirus/.
This unit investigates the complexity of culture and our engagement with other cultures and culturally diverse
thinking and perspectives. It will particularly explore Indigenous cultures, histories, knowledge, perspectives and
values. Students will reflect on their cultural background and identity, as well as their engagement with cultural
diversity. The unit also explores the relationship between media and culture, critically analysing media
representations that inform our ideas about particular topics, other cultures and people. We examine the effects
and consequences of representation by analysing the ideological role played by global media, and how this
connects with power.
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
The focus of Culture to Cultures is culture, media, and communication. These are dynamic and important aspects
of contemporary life – they shape our lives as individuals as well as our collective understandings of the world. A
critical understanding of culture, media, and communication is also crucial for careers in communications, media,
creative arts, design, marketing and advertising, PR, and many others. These three concepts intersect and interact
in different ways – something we’ll explore this semester.
Our approach will adopt a critical intercultural communication perspective and use its theories to think about
topics around culture, communication and representation, like identity, the construction of difference, the nation,
colonisation, globalisation, new media, and multiculturalism. Our intellectual roots also draw from critical media
studies and cultural studies.
In the unit, we’ll be investigating our engagement with other cultures and culturally diverse thinking and
perspectives. We encourage you to examine yourself – to consider your cultural background and identity, to talk
through any ideas in the unit you find difficult or uncomfortable, to be critical of your beliefs and assumptions,
and aware of the things that cause changes to your views or thinking.
The media plays an important role in social and cultural constructions of identities, cultures, minority groups, the
‘Other’ and a range of other issues. Media representations can influence our perceptions of other cultures,
countries, groups and peoples, and can be seen to reproduce (or even shape) culture. The unit examines the
ideological role played by global media in producing and disseminating representations, identities, stereotypes,
etc. As Stuart Hall puts it, we are interested in the “effects and consequences of representation – its ‘politics’… how
language and representation produce meaning, but how the knowledge which a particular discourse produces
connects with power, regulates conduct, makes up or constrains identities and subjectivities, and defines the way
certain things are represented, thought about, practised and studied” (1997, p.6).
Culture to Cultures recognises the value and significance of Indigenous cultures and peoples. As part of Curtin
University’s commitment to Indigenous education and culture, and developing cultural competencies in the
University’s staff and students, the unit explores Indigenous knowledges, perspectives and values. Engaging in
Indigenous cultural competency helps to foster ongoing relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous
peoples that is mutually beneficial. It also helps ‘close the gap’ between Indigenous and non-Indigenous
Australians, and promotes an environment where Indigenous perspectives are valued, and encourages people to
value diversity by accepting and respecting differences (http://libguides.library.curtin.edu.au/c.php?
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
Unit Learning Outcomes
All graduates of Curtin University achieve a set of six Graduate Capabilities during their course of study. These
inform an employer that, through your studies, you have acquired discipline knowledge and a range of other skills
and capabilities which employers would value in a professional setting. Each unit in your course addresses the
Graduate Capabilities through a clearly identified set of learning outcomes. They form a vital part in the process
referred to as assurance of learning. The learning outcomes notify you of what you are expected to know,
understand or be able to do in order to be successful in this unit. Each assessment for this unit is carefully
designed to test your knowledge of one or more of the unit learning outcomes. On successfully completing all of
the assessments you will have achieved all of these learning outcomes.
Your course has been designed so that on graduating you will have achieved all of Curtin’s Graduate Capabilities
through the assurance of learning processes in each unit.
Curtin’s Graduate Capabilities
Learning Activities
Weekly Learning Activities
Your activities for each week in this unit consist of attending/listening to lectures and participating in discussions
with other students in tutorials (for Internal students) or on the Blackboard Discussion Board and in Collaborate
sessions (for Online students). A vital part of your learning in the unit and engagement with your peers occurs in
lectures and tutorials, so please make the effort to attend as many as possible, to do the weekly readings, and
On successful completion of this unit students can:
1 Effectively apply key concepts and theories around intercultural communication and
media studies to analyse texts and media representations
2 Critically reflect on development of cultural capabilities and application and learning
around concepts and theories of the unit
3 Develop capabilities to engage respectfully with First Peoples and people of all
cultures, and demonstrate respect for Indigenous perspectives and all cultures in their
community and professional practice
4 Critically analyse representations of Indigenous peoples in the media in order to
understand the histories of Indigenous people and their representation
5 Effectively apply concepts and theories around cultural essentialism/ non-essentialism
to contemporary issues, social category systems and identities
Apply discipline
knowledge, principles
and concepts
Innovative, creative and
Effective communicators
with digital competency
Globally engaged and
Culturally competent to engage
respectfully with local First Peoples
and other diverse cultures
Industry connected and
career capable
Find out more about Curtin’s Graduate Capabilities at the Learning Innovation and Teaching Excellence Centre
(LITEC) website: litec.curtin.edu.au
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
contribute to discussions.
In the “Study Area” of Culture to Cultures’ Blackboard, you will find detailed information about each weekly topic.
Clicking on the title of each topic will link to information about that topic, including the weekly learning objectives,
focus questions, and required readings/ viewings.
Unit Philosophy
In alignment with Curtin University’s Reconciliation Action Plan (which you will be reading in the first week of this
unit), Culture to Cultures is a partnership with the Centre for Aboriginal Studies. To model and encourage ongoing
and respectful relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, and an environment where
Indigenous perspectives are valued, Culture to Cultures is co-taught by Indigenous and non-Indigenous staff from
the Centre for Aboriginal Studies and Faculty of Humanities. We believe this will allow you to gain valuable insights
into the topics covered in the unit, and expand your appreciation of different perspectives, knowledges and ways
of doing things.
Culture to Cultures utilises a collaborative learning approach. You will be working together in a collegial way with
staff and other students as we learn more about the issues discussed in the unit and consider, debate, and
evaluate our ideas. What we develop in discussion and interaction with others is the courage to engage in
exchange knowing that we have critically examined our ideas, can present them in a clear and strong way, and
negotiate differences of thought and opinion. There are tensions and difficult ideas and events in the material we
discuss, and as we create a learning community it is important to be aware of any positions or words that might
make some students feel unacknowledged, alienated, excluded, or objectified. We value diversity, and accept and
respect differences. We encourage you to be bold in engaging in debate and the critical exchange of ideas, as
well as to think about how to best engage in debate with others in order to assist other students to learn, think
critically, and deal with differences of thought and opinion.
We encourage you to do your own research into the ideas and topics we discuss each week, explore some of the
further readings, or just keep up to date on the latest media stories. Those of us teaching the unit are also
accountable to you to do the same.
Please make sure you check Blackboard regularly for Announcements, weekly tasks and readings viewings (in the
“Study Guide”), Discussion Boards, lecture information and to access other resources to help you in the unit.
Important Note Assessment Due Times
Assessment due times mentioned in this unit outline are as per Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) (UTC
+8). For conversion assistance, try https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
Learning Resources
Library Reading List
The Reading List for this unit can be accessed through Blackboard.
Essential texts
The required textbook(s) for this unit are:
l Required and recommended readings and viewings are available on Blackboard (under
each topic in the Study Area, or through the Reading List).
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
Page: 5 of 20
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
Holliday, A., Kullman, J., & Hyde, M. (2016). Intercultural communication: An advanced resource book. London:
Routledge. Required text. Available electronically through the Library catalogue.
Intercultural Communication is not a textbook that you will read from start to finish. Because the book is
divided into three sections – first defining the concepts, then extending our understanding of those
concepts, and finally relating these to our personal circumstances and experiences – we jump around in the
book as we progress throughout the semester.
(ISBN/ISSN: 978-1138183636)
Other resources
Further readings and viewings are available on Blackboard.
Assessment policy exemptions
l There are no exemptions to the assessment policy
Assessment schedule
*Please refer to the Late Assessment and the Assessment Extension sections below for specific details and
Detailed information on assessment tasks
1. Case Study
This assessment is a chance for you to become comfortable with the overarching concepts of the
unit around a topic that is relevant to you. Although we focus on culture and interculturality in Culture to
Cultures, our main concepts pervade many aspects of social life and this assessment allows you to explore
1. Creative work
Produce a creative work around a topic that allows you to engage with ONE or TWO of the concepts
explored in the first 4 weeks of Culture to Cultures (e.g.: essentialism and non-essentialism, stereotyping,
othering, culturism).
The topic you choose is up to you. Some suggestions include a creative work around gender, sexuality,
Task Value
Date Due
Case Study 25% Week: Week 5
Day: Friday 30 June
Time: 11.59pm
1,5 Yes Yes
Media Analysis 40% Week: Week 9
Day: Friday 28 July
Time: 11.59pm
1,3,4 Yes Yes
Reflection 35% Week: Week 13
Day: Monday 21
Time: 11.59pm
2,3,4,5 Yes Yes
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
race, ethnicity, immigration, multiculturalism, language group/s, cultural appropriation, environmental
Your project could take the form of an art work, short story, blog post, vlog, script, storyboard, news
article, comic, press release, policy paper, an advert, poster, an educational resource or activity for children
for use at schools or at a community event etc. If you need guidance about whether your medium might be
appropriate, please speak to your tutor or unit coordinator.
2. Analysis
Along with your creative piece, you will submit an 1,000 word analysis (including references as per the APA
style guide) of how your project has engaged with the concepts explored in the first 4 weeks of Culture to
Cultures (e.g.: essentialism and non-essentialism, stereotyping, othering, culturism). You will need to refer to
the textbook and ONE other SCHOLARLY/ACADEMIC source (a peer-reviewed journal article or book
written by an expert in the field). More info on what scholarly sources are can be found
here: https://libguides.library.curtin.edu.au/c.php?g=839870&p=6002260 You would have also explored
what constitutes a scholarly text and how to find them in Academic and Professional Communications.
Keep in mind:
l You do not need to explore every concept – choose 1 or 2
l If your creative work is text-based (a short story or news article, for example) the word limit is 700
l If your creative work is not text-based and you are unsure of how long to spend on it, we
recommend the same time it would take you to write a 700 word piece
l Your work will need to be submitted through Blackboard, or a link provided to access it online
l Your creative work and analysis will need to be submitted as ONE document
l Your creative work should keep in mind the philosophy of the unit in terms of cultural sensitivity,
inclusive language and content
l The word count for the analysis includes your reference list as per the APA 7th style guide
Cultural Protocols
Use relevant cultural protocols, such as appropriate terminology, acknowledgement of country, inclusion of
appropriate culturally sensitive warnings, for e.g.: see:
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
Marking Criteria:
The Marking Rubric for this assessment is available on Blackboard, click on “Assessment info and
submission points” in the navigation menu of Blackboard, and then click on the link to this assessment
titled: “Assessment 1: Case Study.”
Your assignment will be marked according to the extent to which it:
l Responds to the task (addresses both parts of the assessment, keeps to the word limit etc.)
l Produces a creative work that relates to the concepts and allows for them to be explored in
sufficient depth
l Crafts an effective analysis which critically applies concepts and theories to your creative work
l Utilises appropriate and relevant scholarly research to support analysis
l Includes relevant protocols, demonstrates understanding of cultural respect in line with the unit’s
philosophy, uses respectful and inclusive language
l Demonstrates relevant academic skills: academic standards of English language, accurate and
completeness of referencing (APA 7th Ed.), structure, clarity of expression, grammar and
spelling, argument and analysis, appropriate formatting and presentation (e.g.: 12 point font;
appropriate font, line spacing and margins; page numbers etc.)
composition, plot structure, lighting, literary devices).
Marking Allocation: Your tutor is allocated 20 minutes to mark this assessment.
Marks and Feedback: marks for this assessment will be available 2-3 weeks after the due date according to
University policy. You will receive feedback in the form of detailed comments and a rubric.
Written assessments must be submitted via the relevant Turnitin submission point in this unit’s Blackboard.
For this assessment, one final assessment submission point is provided and you may submit more than
once to this point if required prior to the due date and time. After the due date and time is reached, a
Similarity report will be generated for the most recently submitted file only.
If you believe you have submitted the incorrect file, please contact the Unit Coordinator for further
If you are submitting your FINAL assessment after the due date, please contact the Unit Coordinator for
further instructions.
2. Media Analysis
In this assessment we explore Indigenous media, analysing particular texts as well as the context in which
they have been produced.
You will write an 1,800 word essay (including references as per 7th edition of APA Publication Manual)
critically analysing TWO to THREE Australian Indigenous produced media representations (e.g.: a news or
magazine article, a film/TV show, advert, comic, blog post, Podcast episode, YouTube video etc.). Your
analysis will also consider how these texts are given meaning in the context in which they are produced.
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
There are two aspects to this assessment:
In analysing the particular texts, you should incorporate discussion of the theoretical concepts discussed in
the first 5 weeks of the unit.
You should also analyse the representations in relation to relevant context. Media is not produced in a
cultural, social, political and historical vacuum. Our discussions around colonisation; Indigenous historical
perspectives; reconciliation, recognition, treaty; identity and multiculturalism will help you with this part of
the assessment.
We don’t expect these two aspects of the assessment to have equal weighting in your essay. Depending on
the media representations you choose, you may explore one in more detail. The important thing is that
your assessment has an argument and an analysis, and not a descriptive account of particular texts or the
context in which they have been produced.
Your analysis should refer to the textbook and TWO to THREE other scholarly sources.
Cultural Protocols
Use relevant cultural protocols, such as appropriate terminology, acknowledgement of country, inclusion of
appropriate culturally sensitive warnings, for e.g.: see:
Marking Criteria:
The Marking Rubric for this assessment is available on Blackboard, click on “Assessment info and
submission points” in the navigation menu of Blackboard, and then click on the link to this assessment
titled: “Assessment 1: Media Analysis.”
Your assignment will be marked according to the extent to which it:
l Responds to the task (answers the question including analysing the required number of media
representations, keeps to the word limit etc.)
l Demonstrates an effective argument and analysis which critically applies concepts and theories
l Uses appropriate and relevant supporting research, synthesises scholarly and media research
l Includes relevant protocols, demonstrates understanding of cultural respect in line with the unit’s
philosophy, uses respectful and inclusive language
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
l Demonstrates relevant academic skills: academic standards of English language, accurate and
completeness of referencing (APA 7th Ed.), structure, clarity of expression, grammar and
spelling, argument and analysis, appropriate formatting and presentation (eg: 12 point font;
appropriate font, line spacing and margins; page numbers etc.)
Marking Allocation: Your tutor is allocated 25 minutes to mark this assessment.
Marks and Feedback: marks for this assessment will be available 2-3 weeks after the due date according to
University policy. You will receive feedback in the form of detailed comments and a rubric.
Written assessments must be submitted via the relevant Turnitin submission point in this unit’s Blackboard.
For this assessment, one final assessment submission point is provided and you may submit more than
once to this point if required prior to the due date and time. After the due date and time is reached, a
Similarity report will be generated for the most recently submitted file only.
If you believe you have submitted the incorrect file, please contact the Unit Coordinator for further
If you are submitting your FINAL assessment after the due date, please contact the Unit Coordinator for
further instructions.
3. Reflection
In the Reflection you will answer a number of short answer questions (available on Blackboard: “Assessment
info and submission points” > “Assessment 3: Reflection”), asking you to reflect on your experience of the
unit, the development of your intercultural capabilities, engagement with other cultures, culturally diverse
thinking perspectives etc.
How to write reflectively
Reflective writing is a personal response and a way of thinking to explore your learning. It is a subjective
assessment, so we encourage you to use the first person (personal pronouns) in your writing. Your
responses don’t have to be in essay format, but your writing style should be logical and critical (keep
colloquial language to a minimum). This assessment is not asking you to summarise unit content, it’s meant
to be personal – about your experiences and thinking. You do not necessarily need to reference for this
assessment, but please do so if you refer to any ideas or quotes from other sources. It should integrate
theory and practice, and identifies learning outcomes of your reading/experience.
In the unit Academic and Professional Communication you will have completed 10 weeks of progressive
reflective exercises and conversations. You can also find more information about reflective writing on the
Learning Centre’s website: http://studyskills.curtin.edu.au/better-writing/reflective-writing/.
We encourage you to complete the Marking Rubric for this assessment yourself, and attach it to your
assessment when you submit. This is not for marks, nor will you be penalized for not doing this, but as the
unit encourages you to think critically and reflectively, this self-assessment will help you better understand
the requirements of the assignment and the potential marks you will receive. Once your marked assessment
and feedback is returned, you can compare your self-assessment of your Reflection with that of the
teaching staff in the unit.
Cultural Protocols
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
Page: 10 of 20
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
Use relevant cultural protocols, such as appropriate terminology, acknowledgement of country, inclusion of
appropriate culturally sensitive warnings, for eg: see:
Marking Criteria:
The Marking Rubric for this assessment is available on Blackboard, click on “Assessment info and
submission points” in the navigation menu of Blackboard, and then click on the link to this assessment
titled: “Assessment 3: Critical Reflections.”
This assignment will be marked according to the extent to which it:
l Presents evidence of reflection (evaluation and analysis rather than just description) in engagement
with the unit
l Presents evidence of reflection (evaluation and analysis rather than just description) in engagement
with development of intercultural capabilities
l Presents evidence of reflection (evaluation and analysis rather than just description) in development
of own learning of intercultural concepts and theories using the readings
l Includes relevant protocols, demonstrates understanding of cultural respect in line with the unit’s
philosophy, uses respectful and inclusive language
l Demonstrates writing skills (including grammar, sentence structure, overall structure). This
assessment does not need to be in essay format, but writing style should be clear and logical. You
are encouraged to use the first person
l Demonstrates links between theory and practice
l Demonstrates appropriate formatting and presentation
Marking Allocation: Your tutor is allocated 15 minutes to mark this assessment.
Marks and Feedback: marks for this assessment will be available 2-3 weeks after the due date according to
University policy.
Written assessments must be submitted via the relevant Turnitin submission point in this unit’s Blackboard.
For this assessment, one final assessment submission point is provided and you may submit more than
once to this point if required prior to the due date and time. After the due date and time is reached, a
Similarity report will be generated for the most recently submitted file only.
If you believe you have submitted the incorrect file, please contact the Unit Coordinator for further
If you are submitting your FINAL assessment after the due date, please contact the Unit Coordinator for
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
further instructions.
Pass requirements
There are two requirements to achieve a ‘pass’ grade in the unit.
1. An overall mark of 50% across the different assessments in the unit, and
2. All assessments must be attempted and submitted.
Failure to attempt and submit an assessment will result in a ‘Fail-incomplete’ grade for the unit irrespective of the
mark achieved.
Assessment Moderation
Fair assessment through moderation
Moderation describes a quality assurance process to ensure that assessments are appropriate to the learning
outcomes, and that students work is evaluated consistently by assessors. Minimum standards for the moderation
of assessments are described in the Assessment and Student Progression Manual, available from
Pre-marking moderation
l Assessment task details are provided to students in the unit outline or prior to the assessment task
l Marking criteria are made available to students in the unit outline or when the assessment task is assigned
l Assessors are provided with rubric/marking guide and sufficient information to ensure fair and consistent
evaluation of student work
Intra-marking / Post-marking moderation
l Second marking of student work samples near grade boundaries
l Second marking of borderline student work
l Second marking of outlier samples
Late assessment
Where the submission of a late assessment is permitted, late penalties will be consistently applied in this unit.
Where a late assessment is permitted for an assessment item or the entirety of the unit (refer to the Assessment
Schedule table in this Unit Outline) and the student does not have an approved assessment extension:
1. For assessment items submitted within the first 24 hours after the due date/time, students will be penalised
by a deduction of 5% of the total marks allocated for the assessment task;
2. For each additional 24 hour period commenced an additional penalty of 10% of the total marks allocated
for the assessment item will be deducted; and
3. Assessment items submitted more than 168 hours late (7 calendar days) will receive a mark of zero.
Where late assessment is NOT permitted for an assessment item or the entirety of the unit (refer to the
Assessment Schedule table in this Unit Outline) and the student does not have an approved assessment extension:
1. All assessment items submitted after the due date/time will receive a mark of zero.
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
Assessment extension
Where an application for an assessment extension is permitted for an assessment item(s) within this unit (refer to
the Assessment Schedule table in this Unit Outline):
1. A student who is unable to complete an assessment item by/on the due date/time as a result of exceptional
circumstances beyond the student’s control, may apply for an assessment extension on the Assessment
Extension Application Form as prescribed by the Academic Registrar. The form is available on the Forms
page at https://students.curtin.edu.au/essentials/forms-documents/forms/ and also within the student’s
OASIS (My Studies tab – Quick Forms) account.
2. The student will be expected to submit their application for an Assessment Extension with supporting
documentation via the online form.
3. Timely submission of this information supports the assessment process. For applications that are declined,
delayed submission may have significant ramifications on the possible marks awarded.
4. An application may be accepted up to five working days after the due date/time of the assessment item
where the student is able to provide a verifiable explanation as to why they were not able to submit the
application prior to the assessment due date/time
Where an application for an assessment extension is NOT permitted for an assessment item(s) within this unit
(refer to the Assessment Schedule table in this Unit Outline):
1. All assessment items submitted after the due date/time will be subject to late penalties or receive a mark of
zero depending on the unit permitting late assessment submissions.
Deferred assessments
Further assessment
Further assessments, if granted by the Board of Examiners, will be held between 11/10/2023 and 20/10/2023 .
Notification to students will be made after the Board of Examiners meeting via the Official Communications
Channel in OASIS.
It is the responsibility of the student to be available to complete the requirements of a further assessment. If your
results show that you have been granted a further assessment you should immediately check OASIS for details.
Reasonable adjustments for students with disabilities/health circumstances likely to impact on
A Curtin Access Plan (CAP) is a document that outlines the type and level of support required by a student with a
disability or health condition to have equitable access to their studies at Curtin. Carers for people with disability
may also be eligible for support. This support can include alternative exam or test arrangements, study materials
in accessible formats, access to Curtin’s facilities and services or other support as discussed with an advisor from
AccessAbility Services.
Documentation is required from your treating Health Professional to confirm your health circumstances or carer
If you think you may be eligible for a CAP, please contact AccessAbility Services. If you already have a CAP please
provide it to the Unit Coordinator in week 1 of each study period.
If your results show that you have been granted a deferred assessment you should immediately check OASIS for
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
Referencing style
The referencing style for this unit is APA 7th Ed.
More information can be found on this style from the Library web site:
As part of a learning or assessment activity, or class participation, your image or voice may be recorded or
transmitted by equipment and systems operated by Curtin University. Transmission may be to other venues on
campus or to others both in Australia and overseas.
Your image or voice may also be recorded by students on personal equipment for individual or group study or
assessment purposes. Such recordings may not be reproduced or uploaded to a publicly accessible web
environment. If you wish to make such recordings for study purposes as a courtesy you should always seek the
permission of those who are impacted by the recording.
Recording of classes or course materials may not be exchanged or distributed for commercial purposes, for
compensation, or for any other purpose other than personal study for the enrolled students in the unit. Breach of
this may subject a student to disciplinary action under Statute No 10 – Student Disciplinary Statute.
If you wish to discuss this please talk to your Unit Coordinator.
The course material for this unit is provided to you for your own research and study only. It is subject to
copyright. It is a copyright infringement to make this material available on third party websites without the express
written consent of Curtin University.
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
Page: 14 of 20
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
Academic Integrity (including plagiarism and cheating)
Academic Integrity
Curtin’s Student Charter, Academic Integrity Program (AIP), and core Values guide expectations regarding student
behaviour and responsibilities. Information on these topics can be found on the Academic Integrity Website.
Academic Integrity Warnings
An Academic Integrity Warning may be issued to a student in limited circumstances and only where misconduct is
not involved.
Academic Misconduct
Staff members are required to report poor academic practice and suspected misconduct. Academic Misconduct
means conduct by a student that is dishonest or unfair in connection with any academic work. This includes all
types of plagiarism, cheating, collusion, falsification or fabrication of content, and behaviours like falsifying
medical certificates for extension. Contract cheating, the use of file sharing, translation services/apps,
paraphrasing tools (text-spinners), article generators, and assignment help websites also may be considered
academic misconduct.
Check your assessment instructions carefully before using any generative artificial intelligence (Gen-AI) software
(e.g. Chat GPT, Midjourney, GitHub Copilot, etc.). You are not permitted to use Gen-AI software in any assessment
task unless written permission is explicitly granted by the Unit Coordinator (e.g. within Blackboard or the
assignment specifications). If the use of Gen-AI software has been approved, you must document its use, apply
appropriate acknowledgement and attribution rules, and include a statement as to the nature and extent of the
use when submitting the assessment. Unapproved, inappropriate, or undisclosed use may be dishonest or unfair
behaviour, and thus considered misconduct. For further information on the use of Gen-AI software see the
Academic Integrity Website.
The longer term personal, social, and financial consequences of misconduct can be severe, so please ask your
tutors or unit coordinator if you need clarification or are unsure what to do. If your work is the subject of an
inquiry, you will be given an opportunity to respond and appropriate support will be provided. Academic work
under inquiry will not be graded until the process has concluded. Penalties for misconduct may include a warning,
a reduced or nil grade, a requirement to repeat the assessment, an annulled grade (ANN) or termination from the
course. For more information refer to Statute No.10 Student Discipline and Academic Misconduct Rules.
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Expectations
Curtin students are expected to have reliable internet access in order to connect to OASIS email and learning
systems such as Blackboard and Library Services.
You may also require a computer or mobile device for preparing and submitting your work.
For general ICT assistance, in the first instance please contact OASIS Student Support:
For specific assistance with any of the items listed below, please visit UniSkills and the IT tools and guides
l Using Blackboard, the I Drive and Back-Up files
l Introduction to PowerPoint, Word and Excel
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
Page: 15 of 20
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
Additional information
Curtin Official Communication Channel and Oasis
Students are responsible for checking the Official Communication Channel (OCC) via OASIS regularly (at least once
per week). Important communications such as assessment extension application outcomes will always be sent via
the OCC. Your OCC inbox is accessible via Curtin Student OASIS
(watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElygBHFwISY ).
Use of the Blackboard App
A Blackboard App is available to download from Google Play or the Apple App Store. Please note that the App
does not support all Blackboard functions and external links such as Reading Lists and iLectures cannot be
accessed. To view iLectures on a mobile device, use the Echo360 App, which can also be downloaded from
Google Play or the Apple App Store. Reading Lists should be accessed via web based Blackboard, e.g. Chrome or
Please ensure you are always using the latest version of the app for best results as updates are frequently
applied. Please also note that Curtin University is not responsible for the Blackboard app and any feedback you
have should be made on the app directly.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your enrolment is correct – you can check your enrolment through the
eStudent option on OASIS, where you can also print an Enrolment Advice.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of all relevant legislation, policies and procedures relating to
their rights and responsibilities as a student. These include:
l the Student Charter
l Values and Signature Behaviours
l the University’s policy and statements on plagiarism and academic integrity
l copyright principles and responsibilities
l the University’s policies on appropriate use of software and computer facilities
Information on all of the above is available through the University’s “Student Rights and Responsibilities” website
at: students.curtin.edu.au/rights.
Note: In Australia and other jurisdictions, students are required to complete a screening check prior to
undertaking any activities that include children (e.g. surveying children at a school as part of a project). If this
applies to you, start by contacting your unit coordinator for advice.
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
Page: 16 of 20
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
Student Equity
There are a number of factors that might disadvantage some students from participating in their studies or
assessments to the best of their ability, under standard conditions. These factors may include a disability or
medical condition (e.g. mental illness, chronic illness, physical or sensory disability, learning disability), significant
caring responsibilities, pregnancy, religious practices, living in a remote location,or another reason. If you believe
you may be unfairly disadvantaged on these or other grounds please contact the appropriate service below. It is
important to note that the staff of the University may not be able to meet your needs if they are not informed of
your individual circumstances, so please get in touch with the appropriate service if you require assistance.
To discuss your needs in relation to:
l Disability or medical conditions, contact AccessAbility Services: https://students.curtin.edu.au/personalsupport/disability/
l Elite athletes, contact Elite Athlete Coordinator: https://stadium.curtin.edu.au/sport/academy/elite-athleteprogram/
l All other grounds, contact the Student Wellbeing Advisory Service: https://students.curtin.edu.au/personalsupport/counselling-guidance/wellbeing/
Recent Unit Changes & Response to Student Feedback
Students are encouraged to provide feedback through student surveys (such as eVALUate, Curtin’s teaching and
unit survey and the annual Student Experience Survey) and interactions with teaching staff.
Listed below are some recent changes to the unit as a result of student feedback.
We thank former students and teaching staff for the valuable feedback and positive comments about the unit.
Culture to Cultures has, in collaboration with CAS staff, expanded its embedding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander knowledges and perspectives in the unit content. There have been changes and updates to assessments,
the weekly topics, and readings.
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
Page: 17 of 20
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
Program calendar
l FAQs
Where can I find the unit outline?
On Culture to Cultures’ Blackboard. Check out the “Unit Information” link (under the heading “ALL ABOUT THIS UNIT”) on the
menu on the left hand side of your screen.
Where do I find what I’m supposed to do and read/view each week? It’s not in the unit outline.
You can find all this information on Blackboard. Go to the “Study Area” link (under the heading “LEARNING RESOURCES”) on
the left hand menu.
Clicking on the link for the week will take you to a page that lists the learning objectives and focus questions for that week,
required readings and viewings, as well as additional resources. You are not required to read and view the additional resources,
they are here in case you want to check out a topic in a little more detail, or feel like they may help with an assignment.
I don’t know/can’t remember my tutors names.
Look under the “Contacts” are of Blackboard – link is on the left hand menu.
When is the next assessment due?
Our favourite question 🙂 Please check the unit outline for due dates. We’ll also remind you on the Announcements on
Blackboard (which also get sent to your Curtin email).
I don’t know if I submitted one of my assessments.
Make sure you get a digital receipt with a submission ID. This will probably be emailed to you too. We will need proof of the
receipt if you contact us saying you did submit your assessment, but it doesn’t appear on Grade Centre.
I can’t submit my assessment and it’s due tonight! It keeps saying it’s still uploading after 40 minutes!
Check your browser. Chrome is the preferred browser for Blackboard and Turnitin.
Email your tutor your assignment as soon as you can so we know you had it done by the deadline. Then try submitting it
through Blackboard again in the next couple of days, so it goes through Turnitin and there’s a record of your submission.
Can I submit my assignment early?
Of course 🙂
How do I find the marks for my assignment?
Please go to “My Grades” on Blackboard to find your mark.
I can’t see the feedback on my assignment.
Tutors can give you feedback on your assignment in a couple of different ways. Your tutors will have explained to you where
to find this in one of your tutorials, or on the discussion board if you’re doing the unit online.
You can access your feedback and rubric by going into the ‘Assignment Submission’ link (‘Assessments’ – > ‘Assignment x’ – >
‘Name of assessment’ > view/complete).
Some tutors have used Turnitin Feedback Studio. A guide can be found
here: https://guides.turnitin.com/01_Manuals_and_Guides/Student_Guides/Feedback_Studio/13_Viewing_Instructor_Feedback
Note that if your browser has a pop-up blocker active, you may need to add Turnitin to its exception in order to view the
On the right hand side of your Turnitin submission you will find a column of icons. The feedback summary contains your
comments and the rubric shows how we assessed your assignment. You can find a more comprehensive guide
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
Page: 18 of 20
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
here: http://clt.curtin.edu.au/local/docs/turnitin/Turnitin%20Student%20Feedback.pdf
If you’re still not sure – just ask 🙂 That’s what we are here for.
My Turnitin originality report has a really high index (percentage). Should I be concerned that my tutor will think I’ve
Not necessarily. Direct quotations, citations, or bibliography areas of the paper are not automatically excluded. Check each
match, rather than worrying too much about the index.
I submitted the wrong assignment/ forgot to include my reference list/ want to change my document.
Up until the due date and time, you can submit multiple times. Just remember that your latest one will save over previous
I have a medical condition/disability and might need extensions or particular requirements relating to classes.
Under the “Student Support Resources” link in the Culture to Cultures Blackboard you will find information about the Curtin
Access Plan (also here: https://students.curtin.edu.au/personal-support/disability/help/access-plan/). Doing one of these at
the start of semester and sharing it with your unit coordinator and tutor will help us work together to figure out how we can
support you through the unit. You only need to disclose the information you’re comfortable with.
A link on the Reading List isn’t working.
Please let us know so we can fix whatever the problem is.
Why does the unit still show on my Blackboard dashboard up for me now I’ve done it? There are too many units
Blackboards on my dashboard and I don’t want to see ones I did last semester/ year.
We have this problem too. Sorry! Units are going to be available to you for up to 2 years. You can organise your dashboard to
hide or minimise the older units showing.
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
Page: 19 of 20
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS
Program Calendar – OUA SP 2023
* P/H = observed public holiday
th June 2023
Week Begin
Topic Assessment Due
1. 29-May-23 Culture, communication, and representation
Essentialism and non-essentialism
3. 12-Jun-23 Essentialism, stereotyping, prejudice & othering
4. 19-Jun-23 Analysing media representations
CAS 1: Aboriginal Peoples and media representations Case Study Due Friday 30
6. 03-Jul-23 CAS 2: Working with Aboriginal People
Tuition Free Week
8. 17-Jul-23 Language
CAS 3: Reconciliation, recognition, treaty Media Analysis Due Friday 28
10. 31-Jul-23 Australian identity & multiculturalism
“Some of my best friends are…”: Social categorisation, identity, and
cultural membership
12. 14-Aug-23 Globalisation, new media, and cultural appropriation
Reflecting on our engagement with cultural diversity Reflection Due Monday 21
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
OUA Programs
COMS1012 COM155 Culture to Cultures
Curtin OUA
24 May 2023
OUA Programs, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic
Page: 20 of 20
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The only authoritative version of this Unit Outline is to be found online in OASIS

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