Posted: July 20th, 2022
COMR2004 Industry Placement
Assessment Task
You will make a live (not a pre-recorded) individual presentation (online or face to face) on your industry
placement experience and reflections, as specified in the Instructions below, and answer the questions, if
any, of your learning facilitator.
In addition, each student will submit a 1 000-word written reflective report on Safe Assign based on
the same content as the presentation.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Subject Code and Title COMR2004 Industry Placement
Assessment Assessment 3: Post-Placement Presentation and Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 10 minute Presentation and 1000 word Report (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful
completion of the task below include:
e) Reflect on and learn from work experiences to
improve career decisions.
f) Present ideas verbally and visually with the useof
modern technologies.
Submission Due within one week of completion of placement (usually in
Week 12) – or as extended by the Program Director/Subject
Co-ordinator/Learning Facilitator under exceptional
Weighting 50%
Total Marks 100 marks (presentation –50 marks; report 50 marks)
There are 2 components to Assessment 3: retrospective (looking back on your placement experience) and
prospective (looking forward to the future).
Assessment 3 is prescribed for you, after completion of your placement, to reflect on your learning gained from
your industry placement experience and through reflection and reflective practice and how your placement has
changed your career expectations; to take stock of your employability skills and skills gaps and to develop short and long-term goals and present a SMART plan and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as to how you expect to
improve your career prospects.
Assessment 3: Post-Placement Presentation and Report (50% weighting)
You will make a live (not a pre-recorded) individual presentation (online or face to face) on your
industry placement experience, and answer the questions, if any, of your learning facilitator.
Your presentation must consist of Power Point slides and any other media that you choose.
In pursuit of the subject learning outcomes highlighted above you are required:
i. to appear and present professionally, with professional Power Point slides and anyother
media, in suitable work attire;
ii. to reflect on the experience (before and during the placement, with special mention of
your success as to how you secured the placement) and your learning from those so
that you can modify or strengthen your career expectations;
iii. to take stock of your current employability skills, attitudes and knowledge, and
recognise what you need to develop in the short term and long term;
iv. to highlight the importance of reflective practice, and what you learned
through reflection;
v. to present a SMART plan (with Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time
bound goals and Key Performance Indicators) as to how you expect to improve your
career prospects.
Each student shall make a 10-minute presentation to the class in the final week of the trimester, at
a date and time specified by your learning facilitator, on items ii, iii, iv and v above.
In addition, each student will submit a 1 000 word written reflective report on Safe Assign based on
items ii, iii, iv and v above.
Your final presentation and report are required to be uploaded to Blackboard, through Safe Assign,
at least 24 hours before the presentation time allocated to you by your learning facilitator, or any
other time specified by your learning facilitator.
Formal Requirements
o Font – Calibri
o Font size – 12
o Spacing – double
o All the pages should be numbered in a footer (for example, 1 of 5, 2 of 5, 3 of 5, 5 of 5).
o Word count must be stated in the top left corner of the first page (as well as in the Assignment
Cover Sheet). Word count is to exclude Assignment Cover Sheet, assessment questions, reference
list and appendices.
o ITEMS (ii) to (v) of the Assessment Brief must each have an appropriate heading in bold and
Word Limit
The written report is to be 1 000 words.
It is essential that you use appropriate American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition style for
citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing in the Academic Skills
webpage of the Torrens library:
• Both in-text and end-of-text referencing are to be provided, where appropriate.
• END-OF-TEXT referencing is to be in the form of a reference list.
• Every reference list entry requires at least one related in-text reference.
• Works not cited in the text should not appear in the reference list.
• Note that you need to reference Tables and Figures, which include:
images, photographs, artwork, maps, graphs, drawings, plots and charts.
IN-TEXT referencing is to be provided for:
1. Direct quotations
a. short quotations to be placed in quotation marks
b. long quotations (40 words or more) to follow the format:
• separate block quotation
• indented paragraphs
• without quotation marks
• single spacing
2. Paraphrasing
Placing the author’s words into your own words and sentence structures
without changing the original meaning).
Submission Instructions
Your final presentation slides and 1000-word written report are required to be:
o uploaded to Blackboard, on Safe Assign
o with an originality report
o at least 24 hours before the presentation time allocated to you by your learning facilitator
o or at any other time specified by your learning facilitator
o ONE submission only: upload slides as an attachment to the report
Submit your assessment in the LMS portal:
• Submit this task via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in COMR2004 Industry
Placement. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal.
Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
• Please note during the submission process: once your report has been uploaded, click ‘Browse Your
Computer’ to attach your Power Point slides. Then click Final Submit button.
Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and
academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of
Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic
misconduct. These are viewable online.
• The Torrens Assignment Cover Sheet is to be:
? completed
? all declarations duly made using the checkboxes
? dated and signed
? attached to your assessment
• You can find the assignment cover sheet here OR in the Student Hub under Torrens Policies and Forms,
Assessment and Credit.
• Students must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts to be produced upon
Your presentation shall be marked according to the following marking rubric.
Assessment Rubric
50- 64