Posted: October 16th, 2022
Computer Technology
Computer Sciences and Information Technology:
Written Assignment 1
Submit complete answers to the following questions, using your textbook or any web resources.
1. What do you think is the most important difference between a computer and a calculator? (Appendix A)
2. How are computers today similar to those designed by Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper in the 1930s through the 1950s? How are they different? (Appendix A)
3. The way people use the Internet has changed since the early days. How? (Appendix A)
4. Do we have a legal right to privacy? On what grounds? (Chapter 1)
5. Is a smartphone a computer? Explain your answer. (Chapter 1)
6. Describe some benefits and drawbacks of the Information Age. (Chapter 1)
7. What types of applications are particularly well suited for handheld devices? What common applications are particularly well suited for personal computers? (Chapter 10)
Please cite your sources.
Computer Technology
1.What do you think is the most important difference between a computer and a Calculator?
Calculators cannot support the internet while computers can support the internet. Computers have both permanent and temporary memory while calculators have only temporary memory. Calculators perform only mathematical calculations while computers perform all types of calculations.
2.How are computers today similar to those designed by Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper in the 1930s through the 1950s? How are they different?
The similarity between MARK computers designed by Howard and Grace Hopper and the present computer is that both computer systems carry out mathematical calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Additionally, both computers have special trigonometric functions and logarithms. The present computers are however different from the past computers based on speed, level of waste, size, memory performance, and design.
The MARK computers were huge and could fit in a room compared to present computers which as smaller and some portable such as laptops. Data was stored mechanically in the MARK computers by use of storage wheels, wires, and dial switches while present computers have an inbuilt memory which is bigger compared to past computers. The past computers were slow and consumed more time to complete a single multiplication which took five seconds while the present computers are automatic and standard in carrying out mathematical calculations.
3.The way people use the Internet has changed since the early days. How?
In the early nineteenth century, the internet was used by the government in research in various laboratories. In the United States, over 99% of households had no internet in early 1990 which advanced to slow internet which was only in 46% of households. Music and movies were sold in tapes, for instance, Janet Jackson’s album. Today the internet is widely used due to the emergence of social websites and mobile technology. Businesses and organizations now use the internet to make sales and communicate with clients at a low investment compared to the past.
4.Do we have a legal right to privacy? On what grounds?
Maybe, the constitution does not specifically mention the right to privacy but the United States Supreme Court has confirmed that we have the right to privacy. The right to privacy is based on the third, fourth and the fourteenth amendment. People expect to be protected online but most websites on the internet have terms of use which gives the user the responsibility to protect their privacy. Some of the privacy rights by USA laws include internet monitoring, observing online behavior and wiretaps which are not yet effective to all internet users.
5.Is a smartphone a computer? Explain your answer.
Yes, a smartphone is a powerful and accessible computer in the pocket although cannot perform all the tasks effectively compared to a computer. For effective use smartphones are easily connected to laptops or other computer systems to access information and use the internet virtually from anywhere.
6.Describe some benefits and drawbacks of the Information Age.
The information age has a wide array of benefits brought about by innovation in technology for instance, companies use the internet in asking sales which is faster, convenient and saves on money. Fasten communication and research as well as the emergence of innovations such as radio waves and electricity used in industrial and agricultural environments. Drawbacks include a high dependence on technology consuming human creativity and innovation. More work is done by computers therefore human effort is reduced where jobs are automated leading to high rates of unemployment. Terrorists use the internet to conduct terror attacks through inventions such as the atomic bomb invention.
7.What types of applications are particularly well suited for handheld devices? What Common applications are particularly well suited for personal computers?
The most used and popular handheld device application includes educational applications based on content, delivery and referential. For example Microsoft reader, MS pocket word for writing essays and adobe reader. Additionally, data collection applications are used, for instance, taking pictures and videos of an incident. Administrative applications include personal applications used to store personal information.
Personal computers have well-suited applications such as word processing, photo management, desktop publishing, graphics, email, video editing, databases, games and many more. Personal computers have dozens of applications that are essential and readily available.