Posted: July 20th, 2022
COMPSCI5092: Research and Professional Skills M
COMPSCI5092: Research and Professional Skills M
Assessed Coursework
Course Name
Coursework Number
Deadline Time: 4:30pm Date:
% Contribution to final
course mark
This should take this
many hours:
Solo or Group ! Solo Group
Submission Instructions
Who Will Mark This? ! Lecturer Tutor Other
Feedback Type? ! Written Oral Both
Individual or Generic? ! Generic Individual Both
Other Feedback Notes
Discussion in Class? ! Yes No
Please Note: This Coursework cannot be Re-Done
Code of Assessment Rules for Coursework Submission
Deadlines for the submission of coursework which is to be formally assessed will be published in course documentation, and work which is submitted later than
the deadline will be subject to penalty as set out below. The primary grade and secondary band awarded for coursework which is submitted after the published
deadline will be calculated as follows:
(i) in respect of work submitted not more than five working days after the deadline
a. the work will be assessed in the usual way;
b. the primary grade and secondary band so determined will then be reduced by two secondary bands for each working day (or part of a
working day) the work was submitted late.
(ii) work submitted more than five working days after the deadline will be awarded Grade H.
Penalties for late submission of coursework will not be imposed if good cause is established for the late submission. You should submit documents supporting
good cause via MyCampus.
Penalty for non-adherence to Submission Instructions is 2 bands
You must complete an “Own Work” form via for all coursework
UNLESS submitted via Moodle
The Literature Survey/Review Assessed Exercise (25%)
NOTE: You can start this assignment as soon as you like, but you are advised to
cover the material in the units associated with the 1st and 2nd week of teaching
(particularly the Literature Search and Literature Review units) before you start.
Task Overview:
The task of this exercise is for you to conduct a literature search and critique of 3 research
papers in Computing Science in the topic of either Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality or
Mixed Reality. You may choose any sub-topic of research within these areas.
Specific Task Information:
Find 3 research papers in the topic of Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality or Mixed Reality.
The papers must each be peer-reviewed, and at least 6 pages long. You do not need to
confirm with me that your chosen papers are appropriate; indeed, part of the challenge is to
choose appropriate papers.
Your task is to produce a summary/critique of each paper using the template provided here:
Create a copy of this template and complete it by writing responses in your own words to the
asked questions (select “file” then “make a copy”).
Word limits are stated for each question asked – you should not exceed these (writing within
word limits is itself an academic/research skill to learn/practice!). After each response please
provide a count of the number of words in your response (an example of this is shown
throughout the template).
You must give your essay a title that follows the following format “Computing Science
Research in [X]”, where X is the topic of Computing Science you are addressing.
Failure to use/follow this template will result in a two-band reduction in your mark for this
assignment (using/following a provided template is another academic skill to practice).
After completing the task you are asked to write a reflective summary [maximum 150 words]
outlining which question in the template you found the most difficult to answer. A place for
you to write this is provided at the start of the template.
This reflective paragraph will not be explicitly marked for quality, but if you do not submit a
paragraph demonstrating your understanding of your submission you will automatically lose
two bands for this assignment (i.e. if your assignment is awarded a B3, a C2 will be recorded
as your grade).
You assessment will be marked according to the following criteria grid:
Grade Topic and Paper Choice For Each Paper
A (Excellent) Topic is highly appropriate for
Computing Science; all three
papers are relevant research
papers addressing the same topic
Clear and wholly correct summary.
Highly insightful critique, drawing on
external knowledge and/or sources
B (Very Good) Topic is appropriate for Computing
Science; all three papers are
relevant papers, broadly covering
aspects of the topic.
Very good summary and assessment
of the worth of the research, making
appropriate critical points
C (Good) Topic is appropriate for Computing
Science; the papers are mostly
relevant, or are not clearly
research papers.
The summary is good, and several
interesting critical points made
D (Satisfactory) Topic is related to (but not within)
Computing Science; the papers
are mostly relevant, or are not
clearly research papers. The
papers are individually
appropriate, but are not within the
same theme
The summary is satisfactory (perhaps
with a few errors). Some interesting
critical points made
E (Weak) It is not clear that the topic relates
to Computing Science; or none of
the papers are research papers
Weak understanding of the paper.
Very little critique
F/G (Poor) Inappropriate topic, inappropriate
Shows little evidence of having
understood the paper. No critique at
Important Dates:
● 31/10/22 – Release of the assignment specification
● 07/10/22 – Relevant course material for AE provided
● 02/12/22 (16:30) – Deadline for submission on Moodle