Posted: July 16th, 2023
Competency 1: Integrate leadership and management principles and attributes in nursing practice
Course Reflection
As you reflect on this course, answer the following questions in your discussion.
Describe how you achieved each of the course competencies.
Initial Post
Provide at least one example of new knowledge gained related to each competency and explain how this new knowledge will impact your nursing practice.
Integrate leadership and management principles and attributes in nursing practice.
Use evidence-based practice to guide clinical reasoning and clinical judgement as a basis for nursing decision making.
Collaborate in healthcare delivery systems settings for improved patient outcomes.
Demonstrate principles of professional identity and professionalism for the nurse within the context of regulatory and practice standards.
Analyze agencies that influence the provision of nursing care in the healthcare system.
Formulate decisions based on the legal and ethical underpinnings that improve healthcare
Competency 1: Integrate leadership and management principles and attributes in nursing practice.
Throughout the course, I achieved this competency by learning about different leadership styles, effective communication strategies, and principles of effective management in nursing. I gained an understanding of the importance of strong leadership in promoting positive patient outcomes and fostering a healthy work environment.
One example of new knowledge gained related to this competency is the concept of transformational leadership. I learned that transformational leaders inspire and motivate their team members to go above and beyond, encouraging personal growth and development. This new knowledge will impact my nursing practice by helping me cultivate a leadership style that inspires and empowers my colleagues, ultimately leading to improved patient care and outcomes.
Competency 2: Use evidence-based practice to guide clinical reasoning and clinical judgment as a basis for nursing decision making.
I achieved this competency by learning about the process of evidence-based practice (EBP) and how it can be applied in nursing. I gained skills in searching for and critically appraising research evidence, as well as understanding the importance of incorporating patient preferences and clinical expertise into decision making.
One example of new knowledge gained related to this competency is the significance of systematic reviews and meta-analyses in EBP. I learned that these types of studies provide a comprehensive synthesis of existing research on a particular topic, helping to establish the strength of evidence and inform clinical decision making. This new knowledge will impact my nursing practice by guiding me to prioritize high-quality systematic reviews and meta-analyses when seeking evidence to support my clinical decisions.
Competency 3: Collaborate in healthcare delivery systems settings for improved patient outcomes.
Throughout the course, I achieved this competency by learning about the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and teamwork in healthcare settings. I gained an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of different healthcare professionals and how effective collaboration can lead to improved patient outcomes.
One example of new knowledge gained related to this competency is the concept of interprofessional communication and its impact on patient safety. I learned that clear and effective communication among healthcare team members is crucial to prevent errors, ensure continuity of care, and promote patient safety. This new knowledge will impact my nursing practice by emphasizing the importance of open and respectful communication with other healthcare professionals, fostering a collaborative approach that enhances patient outcomes.
Competency 4: Demonstrate principles of professional identity and professionalism for the nurse within the context of regulatory and practice standards.
I achieved this competency by learning about the ethical and legal responsibilities of nurses, as well as the professional standards and codes of conduct that guide nursing practice. I gained an understanding of the importance of maintaining professional integrity, advocating for patients’ rights, and engaging in lifelong learning.
One example of new knowledge gained related to this competency is the concept of professional boundaries in nursing. I learned about the importance of establishing and maintaining appropriate boundaries with patients, colleagues, and other individuals involved in the healthcare setting. This new knowledge will impact my nursing practice by guiding me to maintain professionalism, uphold ethical standards, and ensure the delivery of safe and patient-centered care.
Competency 5: Analyze agencies that influence the provision of nursing care in the healthcare system.
Throughout the course, I achieved this competency by learning about the various agencies and organizations that have an impact on the provision of nursing care. I gained knowledge about healthcare policies, regulatory bodies, and professional associations that shape nursing practice.
One example of new knowledge gained related to this competency is the understanding of the role of the Joint Commission in healthcare quality improvement. I learned about the Joint Commission’s accreditation process, standards, and initiatives aimed at ensuring the delivery of safe and high-quality care. This new knowledge will impact my nursing practice by making me more aware of the standards and guidelines set by the Joint Commission, thereby enabling me to actively contribute to quality improvement efforts and promote patient safety.
Competency 6: Form