Posted: October 29th, 2022
Compared to the person-to-person surveys
Because I know you’ve worked hard thus far, this discussion will be brief. Your instructor will post the actual surveys for Study 2 on Qualtrics this week, but I also want you to have some experience with Qualtrics. Play around with Qualtrics yourself to see how you can post studies online. I won’t look at your Qualtrics pages, so this is just for your own benefit, but create a short study with a short informed consent form, a manipulation of at least one independent variable, a place for a few dependent variables, and a debriefing page. E-mail it to a group member to get their thoughts! That is optional stuff, which might help some of you who are interested in joining research labs or going to graduate school. The OFFICIAL discussion I want you to engage in this week is answering three questions:
1). Compared to the person-to-person surveys we did for study one, what are the benefits of using Qualtrics and the costs of using Qualtrics to do research. Make sure to mention at least two benefits and two costs!
2). Which do you prefer: Online research or in-person research, and why?
3). Why is it a good / bad idea to use Qualtrics to collect data for our Study Two?