Posted: October 11th, 2022
Compare and contrast two countries, cities, or states in the US
English, Literature and Philology
Compare and contrast two countries, cities, or states in the US
Name __________________
Date ___________________
ESL 0202 Comparison/Contrast Essay: Two Places
A. Which two places will you compare? Make sure to choose two countries, cities, or states.
United States China
______________________________ _____________________________
Topic A Topic B
B. Brainstorm: List some of the characteristics you have noticed about each place. Put them in categories such as family life, cost of living, schools, clothing/fashion, (others?)
Point of Comparison Topic A: Topic B: Same or Different?
United States China Different
Cultural Diversity
United States China Different
United States China Different
United States China Same
United States China Different
Business Customs
United States China Different
C. Add more information above by reading an article about the topic you are writing on. Write the title and source of the article here: The Differences and Similarities of Culture Between the U.S. and China from
China and the United States are fundamentally different countries. Individuals who have gained an opportunity to experience both countries have affirmed that they are quite different. Nonetheless, one cannot refute the fact that the two still have their similarities. People will generally want similar things in life, but it is just that they do achieve them differently.
D. Fill in the following outline using at least one similarity and one difference.
Comparison/Contrast Outline
Topics: United States China
(Topic A) (Topic B)
I. Introduction
The United States are two developed countries globally that have both economic and political powers. The two countries share some similarities and also fundamental differences.
Thesis Statement:
Despite the economic and political prowess of both the United States and China, it is prudent to state that the two are considerably different in terms of cultural diversity, economic, business practices, among other elements.
II. Body
A. 1st Similarity/Difference: Business Practices
Topic A: United States
Business customs in the USA highly emphasize the self and personal identity. Therefore, Americans will brag about the individual successes they achieve in their business interactions.
Topic B:
The Chinese emphasize more on a collective national identity. Therefore, Chinese business professionals consider themselves part of a whole, and their successes are collectively owned either by the country or a company. The bragging in America is considered a lack of humility.
B. 2nd Similarity/Difference: Language
Topic A: United States
Despite having many languages spoken in the country due to its diverse populations, the country does have English as its standard dialect, which is even taught in schools for non-native speakers. Different regions will speak different English dialects.
Topic B: China
The country also has one official language, Mandarin or Chinese, which is the country’s most spoken language. This language has different dialects in different provinces in the country.
III. Conclusion
Restate thesis:
Despite the economic and political prowess of both the United States and China, it is prudent to state that the two are considerably different in terms of cultural diversity, economic, business practices, among other elements.
The two countries globally are experiencing dynamic changes, especially from the new “age of information.” the newer generations may have an integration of cultures, beliefs, and attitudes from other countries leading to cultures that are almost similar due to having a mixture of everything.
E. Write an essay following this outline. Type your essay using the academic format.
The United States and China are among the most developed countries globally. These developments have happened through a long path of history and discovering oneself. Notably, the present age of information has seen an increase in mutuality and different populations sharing their cultures; different nations must operate on different sets of values. China and the United States are very different in numerous aspects. Despite the economic and political prowess of both the United States and China, it is prudent to state that the two are considerably different in terms of cultural diversity, economic, business practices, among other elements.
Religion does greatly determine the outlook of a particular culture. The United States and China are fundamentally different when it comes to religion. In the United States, its population comprises people from different regions who have distinct religions (Story Map Journal, n.d.). Its people are mainly Christians, but one cannot refute that there is a substantial percentage of persons coming from different denominations such as Islam, Jews among others. This allows a big leap of having different cultures forming around these areas with their distinct religions. The primary religion in China is Buddhism. Confucianism and Daoism are other minor religions in the country (Story Map Journal, n.d.). Most of its population are guided by these religions; hence there are no vast differences.
Family values are fundamentally different in China and the United States, with the former relying on the primary religions to determine them. Confucianism and Taoism require their followers to concentrate on family values. The Chinese do have a deep sense of the immediate family bindings. Elders within family units are highly respected, and the young individuals will get importance and priority since they determine the continuity of their generations. The Chinese families will recognize the needs of their families and children and prioritize them across the board. For instance, Chinese children’s educational needs are fundamental in conjunction with healthcare products; conversely, the United States and is a developed Western country. Individualism is the primary ingredient driving their decisions and determining their needs. Personal judgment is trusted more to determine their individual needs instead of collective needs. therefore, different families will determine that their children are to follow a different learning path depending on their abilities rather than what the community has started to be the right path.
China and the United States are very distinct in terms of their business customs due to the respective community and individualism perspectives adopted. In relation to communication, the Americans have adopted the direct form of communication while the Chinese have adopted the indirect communication form. The Americans are more blunt, persuasive, and aggressive in their business to gain an advantage in their businesses (Lamarco, 2018). The Chinese business people focus on being polite and shoring both respect and deference to their business contacts. They focus on having mutually satisfactory agreements. Chinese businesses will make their decisions as they do extensive consultation especially following a hierarchical structure. Americans push for rapid changes and aggressive pursuit of deals; hence, they will make their decisions fast. Americans also tend to like written contractual agreements legally binding and are not quickly challenged (Brenenstuhl, 2019). The Chinese business professionals focus on personal trust in their relationships with business partners. They expect each partner is doing the right thing to honor their agreements hence choose to uphold a mutually unspoken understanding. Therefore, it is evident that business customs in the United States and China are fundamentally different.
The two different countries conduct themselves differently when it comes to relationships between two different people and how they will entertain each other. The Chinese will emphasize allowing the professional and personal lives to overlap to easily entertain business associates. The Chinese will expect to wine and dine with their business associates. Actually, in the country, entertainment is considered a goal in itself. Outside of the business settings, the Chinese will not discuss any businesses but show them respect and welcome. These interactions will even include gifts and tokens of generosity from the host. Americans find it unethical to entertain the people with whom they have professional relationships, especially outside the business settings. Businesspersons are expected to keep things either strictly professional, and it should never mix with their personal lives.
Despite the economic and political prowess of both the United States and China, it is prudent to state that the two are considerably different in terms of cultural diversity, family values, religion, business practices, among other elements. Notably, the two countries among other nations globally are experiencing dynamic changes, especially from the new “age of information.” the newer generations may have an integration of cultures, beliefs, and attitudes from other countries leading to cultures that are almost similar due to having a mixture of everything.
Brenenstuhl, T. (2019, January 8). Differences in American & Chinese business customs | IBS tours. International Business Seminars.
Lamarco, N. (2018). American vs. Chinese business culture. Small Business –
Story map journal. (n.d.).